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Information for Positive Childcare Solutions, a Family Child Care Home in Kelso WA:

Provider Name: Positive Childcare Solutions
Approximate Location: S. Kelso Dr & Carrolls, Kelso WA 98626
Contact Phone: 3607033479
Website: www.positivefamilysolutions.com

Positive Child Care Solutions is an in-home licensed child care and preschool. Our program offers care to children ages 4 weeks to 5 years with preschool/kindergarten readiness for children when they're ready. We are conveniently located in Kelso, WA.

License Number: PL-3858
Capacity: 12
Age Range: birth - 13 years 0 months
Achievement and/or Accreditations: Certified Family Coach; Licensed Child Care Provider
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Daytime
Additional Information:

First Initial License Date: 12/30/2008.

A fun, safe, healthy & nurturing learning environment for young children ages birth through 5.


Positive Child Care Solutions is an in-home licensed child care and preschool. Our program offers care to children ages 4 weeks to 5 years with preschool/kindergarten readiness for children when they're ready. We are conveniently located in Kelso, WA. 


Positive Child Care Solutions bases its philosophies on each child's total development. Children are encouraged to explore the world around them through free play and age-appropriate activities. 

Learning through play is at the heart of my program. It is through play that young children learn about themselves and others. It is my goal to support each child's creativity, self-confidence, and independence daily. I strive to incorporate a variety of experiences - some structured, some not - to ensure a healthy balance. My child care environment and schedule are set up to avoid conflict. By keeping the children busy, happy and healthy problems are rare.

Doing Business As Isabelle Zehnder. 

Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Kristina on 2013-09-17 18:05:42
Comment: Isabelle was the best daycare provider I've had. I have 3 children who are now 6, 4, and 1 year old. I've been to many facilities, and Isabelle is the best. My 4 year old daughter and 1 year old son went to Isabelle for daycare. They always came home happy. They learned something new everyday. I would highly recommend Isabelle to everyone.
Rated 5 star by Juliet D on 2013-09-11 17:30:20
Comment: My two year old son is happy to go to Isabelle's in the morning and wants to stay when I pick him up because he is so busy playing with his friend, the toys, and/or her and her husband. Isabelle provides a caring, warm, stimulating environment and my son has plenty of age-appropriate activities. The house is clean, organized, and safe feeling; plus, there is a very nice back yard for outside time. I love that she sends me pictures during the day of my son too.
Rated 5 star by Lotti Helber on 2013-09-10 21:34:02
Comment: My daughter started in Isabelle's care when she was 7 months old. This was her first day care and she got acclimated right away. She loved story time, arts and crafts and play time at day care. She always came home happy and was always happy to be dropped off. Isabelle went above and beyond in taking care of my daughter. She would always feed her fresh foods and snacks which I loved. If you are looking for a hands on day care, this will be the day care for you.
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