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Illinois Child Daycare >> La Salle County Home Daycare >> HEXT, DOREEN L

Information for HEXT, DOREEN L, a Day Care Home in Streator IL:

Provider Name: HEXT, DOREEN L
Approximate Location: COLUMBUS RD, STREATOR IL 61364
Contact Phone: 8158228618
License Number: 519545
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0 TO 12Y
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 2 star by Krystal Gahan on 2018-07-11 17:15:00

My twins started going there at the end of September 2017. Their last day there was July 10,2018. While they generally came home clean and healthy, my experience wasn't a great one. In the short time they were there, I was accused of feeding them a ton of sugar in the morning and dropping them off, for her to deal with. My son is very stubborn and strong headed. If he was having a bad day, she would make sure to tell me that he was the reason that she couldn't take care of the other kids very well. She also accused me of ripping the pacifier out of my sons mouth, when I was dropping them off. She told me that I was ripping their toys and blankets out of their hands when I would show up. She was even so kind to tell me that I must get some kind of joy out of making sure my kids were crying when I dropped them off. I was warned by another mother that Dori will find a way to get rid of the kids when they get past their "cute" stage. Dori continually questioned what I fed my kids. How I was feeding them too much sugar and she would have to deal with their "crash." Her way of keeping them from the "sugar crash" was to feed them marshmallows. Dori was very demeaning toward her sister, Debbie, who is certified and works for her. Dori could never seem to get my kids to take naps, no matter how much they needed them. Sometimes they would even take naps in a high chair because she says that's the only way she could get them to take a nap. The only reason she is even getting 2 stars on this review is because she never took a day off and my kids generally came home clean, fed and unhurt.

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