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Information for Rowanberry School, a Family Child Care in Portland OR:

Provider Name: Rowanberry School
Approximate Location: 6846 Northeast Mallory Avenue, Portland OR 97211
Contact Phone: 503-750-7607
Website: http://www.rowanberryschool.com
Description: Early childhood is a magical time of delight, wonder, and joyful exploration. By providing a loving, rich environment, these essential qualities of a healthy childhood will develop and grow naturally. Rowanberry School strives to preserve the wonder and magic of this sacred time, and to nurture the young child's emerging sense of self.

Rowanberry School is an eclectic program that is deeply rooted in progressive education ideology. The curriculum reflects a strong image of the child, a commitment to creativity, critical thinking, and the celebration of diversity in all its forms. The environment has been lovingly created in a home setting, changing to honor the seasons and reflect the passions of the people who work and play here.

Our core values come from the progressive early childhood programs of Reggio Emilia, Italy. The Reggio approach supports the child's intellectual and creative development through in-depth interdisciplinary studies, or inquiries. Our structure is inspired by the traditional Kindergarten, or “children’s garden,” where the rhythms of seasonal cycles carry the child through the day and around the year, with story, song, movement, and play.

At Rowanberry, we weave together these rich traditions in a unique way that provides a graceful and stimulating first school experience for the young child.

The name Rowanberry is inspired by the Rowan tree, the Celtic tree of life, which can be found in the songs and lore of Ireland and the British Isles. The Rowan is a magical tree in which the berries are held sacred, and are said to grant protection, empowerment, and inspiration.
Age Range: 3 years to 5 years 11 months
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Normal Open Hours: 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Full-Time
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