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North Carolina Child Daycare >> Mecklenburg County Home Daycare >> LITTLE SWEET PEAS

Information for LITTLE SWEET PEAS, a Four Star Family CC Home License in Charlotte NC:

Approximate Location: MCARTHUR AVENUE, CHARLOTTE NC 28206
Contact Phone: (704) 502-6201
Website: www.littlesweetpeas.info
License Number: 60003442
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0 through 8
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Type of Care: Daytime
Transportation: Not Available
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Ms. Burgess on 2023-07-28 20:58:19
Comment: I was not going to leave a review but I see that it is necessary. I removed my 2 year old son from Little Sweet Peas because the owner felt the need to speak to my son and myself in a manner that was unprofessional and attended to snatch my baby up by his arm and slung him inside of her daycare. Any other parent would have grabbed her and drug her off her porch but I gave her a pass and informed her the next day that I will be removing him from the daycare to do what's best for my son and that I did not appreciate how she handled him and spoke to him in front of me. Which made me wonder what was taking place in her daycare with my son or any other child when no parents are around since she felt that freely to perform this act in front of me. This was the last strike because prior to me removing him we would find scratch marks on his face, back and inner thigh. Pictures I am welling to provide. And every time we would pick him up she would always complain about him not talking, not fully potty training, accuse him of behavioral issue, she would try to diagnose him as Artistic, say he's hitting other kids and etc. I let this all slide. What's unprofessional is if he is all this and she say she does not have training with 2 year olds with behavior issues even though his pediatrician says there is no reason to test him for autism we honored her contract for a two weeks notice, we pay the full daycare price even when she would take personal days off outside of cms schedule. You would think she would be glad I removed him from her care and I definitely tried to end things on a good note but she continues to talk about my child not being allowed back at her daycare when I choose to remove himself instead of letting it go. This is not professional to speak to my husband about me or my son when I have already removed him. I would not have left this review if she would have let us depart in peace. She woke up and chose violence when all I wanted to do was keep things cordial. I said what I saw and all she should have done was respected my decision and moved on.
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