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Colorado Child Daycare >> El Paso County Home Daycare >> Carol's Kids

Information for Carol's Kids, a Family Child Care in Colorado Springs CO:

Provider Name: Carol's Kids
Approximate Location: 3285 Richmond DR, Colorado Springs CO 80922
Contact Phone: 7192131092
License Number: 87228
Capacity: 9
Age Range: Home, Home
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Languages Supported: English, English
Type of Care: Part-Time
Additional Information:

Approved for 2 children for overnight care; No more than 2 children under 2 years may be in care; 2 additional school-age children during non-school times; Fireplace shall not be used during the hours of child care; License capacity and exhibits include provider's own childrenSpecial Needs: Social Emotional Behaviors;Respiratory Illness;Physical Delays/Limitations.

Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Holly on 2019-10-02 04:53:32

I had my 2 month old get acquainted with this provider a few days prior to her caring for my daughter and was left with a safety concern due to her personal affairs. She is not reliable by pinning other family members or other providers for care which was never agreed upon which she feels entitled to do her personal agendas at your expense. Additionally, she neglects concerns addressed and seems to find it appropriate to post her complaints on the needs of other families not using her either on social media. She wrote me after I explained I wouldn't be using her so called care saying that my daughter was a burden to be watched by her elderly mother who is not under any agreement to care for my daughter whatsoever because my daughter was crying miserably in her company. This same visit she left me alone with roughly a 6 month old alone who was crying at my feet which added to my daughter's stress on crying. I find it disturbing that one because my two month old has never met her or has been in her home prior to us meeting that her crying was a burden and two that she would pawn her off to people I have no idea who they are and expect that is her taking care of my daughter and be paid for it. This was my experience and she didn't even watch my daughter and she got paid a full month in advance for this ridiculous behavior which she refused to refund. I should feel comfortable with who I leave my daughter with and after her nasty response about my daughter and her negligence on my concerns for her safety I am so relieved I didn't keep her.

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