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Information for Nikki Nahid, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Montgomery Village MD:

Provider Name: Nikki Nahid
Approximate Location: Harron Valley Court, Montgomery Village MD 20886
Contact Phone: (240) 912-7070

Little Brainies Daycare is run by Nikki Nahid, who has been working with children her entire life. She started working with kids when she was 19 years old, and loved it so much that she decided to make it her life long career!

Little Brainies has structured daily schedules. It not just a play place, but really focuses on being a place where children will learn in a structured environment with a set curriculum. Nikki sets a learning theme for each month, and each week there is a structured lesson that revolves around the monthly theme.

The food we serve is under the Montgomery County food and nutrition program and all meals are cooked fresh daily. Nikki is accredited by the NAFCC (National Association of Family Child Care), which requires her to complete 35 hours training every year.

Something very special and unique about Little Brainies is that Nikki works closely with the parents and encourages the parents to get involved in activities. For example, one parent brings his guitar and plays music for the children, one parent is the football coach, another parent comes in to teach soccer, and one of the moms is a scientist and teaches sciences to the children. On Fridays parents participate in activities such as decorating cookies, cooking projects, science projects, yoga and zumba. It is really important that the parents are involved and participate in the children's activities!

Nikki provides daily reports for the parents and every year she holds two conferences with the parents so we can sit and talk about goals for the children. Each child has their own cubbies and files, and the parents are welcome to come into the daycare at anytime to observe program and to check their child's profile to see what they've learned that week. Nikki also works with the parents to help in potty training. We have two separate rooms for babies and toddlers.

Every day the children have circle time, learn the calendar, the days of the week, and they'll learn to read and write. We do story time twice everyday, 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon. We do all kinds of art projects, and even have a garden where the children water their own plants everyday. Twice a week we do water play, where we go outside and play in the sprinklers. Everyday when the children come into the daycare they have to find their name tags on the desk. This gives them structure and helps them learn how to identify their names.

This center has NAFCC accreditation. National Association for Family Child Care is a national membership organization whose mission is to support the profession of family child care and to encourage high-quality care for children. Accreditation was designed to promote and recognize high-quality, professional family child care. NAFCC Accreditation standards cover the following content areas: relationships, environment, activities, developmental learning goals, safety and health, and professional and business practices.

License Number: 156364
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Achievement and/or Accreditations: NAFCC
Normal Open Hours: Monday-Friday January-December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Daytime, Emergency Care, Full-Time
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