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Information for Alisa Day Care, INC, a Group Family Day Care in Staten Island NY:

Provider Name: Alisa Day Care, INC
Approximate Location: 88 Evelyn Place, 1st Floor, Staten Island NY 10305
Contact Phone: (718) 314-2523
License Number: 402847
Capacity: 16
Age Range: Total Capacity: 12 children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years AND 4 additional school-aged children
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments only; Initial License Date: 4/26/2010;
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Saima Khan on 2018-01-28 18:23:22
Comment: I had the worst experience with Alisa daycare, and my advise to anyone reading this is to avoid her services. My brother in law tracked Alisa down online, and we went to see them in person. They seemed warm, and were happy to take my daughter and nephew the following week. We fully briefed them on both kids, and sorted out the money too. On day 1, we drop off both kids. Upon arrival Alisa was shocked to see my nephew. She knew he was 8 months old, but she profusely refused to take him. In the end, we all waited around until she was comfortable enough to handle him, and left. this meant I missed a day at work as she wanted us close enough to pick him up in case of problems. Come 12pm, we were told to come pick him up as she did not want such a young baby. This put us in a horrible situation as we had no day care for him, and had wasted so much time with them. On day 2 I take in just my daughter. Alisa frowned upon me that I still give her bottled milk, but I decided to ignore her comments - judging a parent is not very professional at all. During the day I got a text saying Sophia was crying too much, and if I can come pick her up earlier. Well seeing as I was in the city and at work, I was not able to do that so I had to sit there and stress knowing my daughter was upset and I could not help her. On day 3 I take my daughter in again, hoping that today would be a better day. Alisa texts me to tell me she was restless, running around too much etc. Again, I am at work so what does this lady expect me to do?? And if she knew anything about children, she would know that it takes time for children to adjust. Plus its why I'm paying her for! At the end of day 3 I get some pictures sent to me - it was of my daughter with a huge scratch on her face. Apparently she was trying to get through their flimsy baby gate and scratched her face. If they were pay due attention, she would not be hurt and that upset me so much. She was not with people who care. Just greedy, money hungry people. The next day I get a text saying they do not want to take Sophia in anymore. No explanation, no reason, no care. Other things to take into consideration is: - They play a lot of TV - You have to be Russian or speak Russian well to understand anything they say - The bathroom is tiny - No menu - No planned activities - Some health and safety issues
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