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Information for Precious Moments Group Day Home, a Licensed Child-Care Home in Corpus Christi TX:

Provider Name: Precious Moments Group Day Home
Approximate Location: 4814 LARCADE DR, Corpus Christi TX 78415
Contact Phone: 361-460-9120
License Number: 1073366
Capacity: 12
Age Range: Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
Days of Operation: Monday - Saturday
Normal Open Hours: 05:30 AM-08:00 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Additional Information: Initial License Date: 12/16/2009.
Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by angry parent!!! on 2015-07-24 03:19:24

The lady that rings this place is a joke she acts like she cares so much about the children but takes off whenever she wants. When the state goes by to check on her she'll tell some of the patents us included that she won't be open that day so it won't look as if she is over capacity. I found out she was yelling at my 2yr old son and took him out right away. Especially since I noticed changes in his behavior like waking up in the middle of the night crying, not listening like he use to, and crying when we dropped him off. Now after firing her 2 employees she hires some pot head with no experience to help her watch the kids. This place should be shut down!!!!

Rated 5 star by Baby on 2014-11-03 03:56:16
  1. This daycare has grown a lot from when I first started taking my baby. The owner was very kind and understanding to situations. Yes they are at times disorganized but they do so much with and for the children. They always give me feed back at the end of the day and call me if there are any problems with the daycare or my child. They are very informative and caring of the children. My baby loves being there and always has a smile on when I arrive. They are a productive group home and care for the children very well. I enjoy this group home and appreciate the care they have for my child. I certinaly recommend this place.
Rated 1 star by Hi(: on 2013-05-22 15:00:28
Comment: I worked there for 3 months...very very very disorganized!!!!! Owner would accept children even when she was passed capacity. She would leave me alone with infants toddlers and 3-4 yr olds! She also would show favoritism to certain children and ignore the others! She also had a caregiver (that was left in charge) who had drug charges,cps cases watch over tge children.
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