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Iowa Child Daycare >> Muscatine County Home Daycare >> Cindy McConnaha

Information for Cindy McConnaha , a Registered Child Development Home C in Muscatine IA:

Provider Name: Cindy McConnaha
Approximate Location: Bayfield RD, MUSCATINE IA 52761
Contact Phone: (563) 260-0836
License Number: 20275
Capacity: 16
Rate Range: Infant (up to 24 months) Half-Day/15.00| Infant (up to 24 months) Half-Day/15.00| Infant (up to 36 months) Half-Day/15.00| Infant (up to 36 months) Half-Day/15.00| Preschool (24 to Kindergarten) Half-Day/15.00| Preschool (24 to Kindergarten) Half-Day/15.00| Preschool (36 to Kindergarten) Half-Day/15.00| Preschool (36 to Kindergarten) Half-Day/15.00| School Age (K and up) Half-Day/15.00| School Age (K and up) Half-Day/15.00
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Normal Open Hours: 12:00AM - 11:59PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by proud mama of 2 on 2019-11-29 02:11:22

I have used this provider for 3 years now. My children have been going here since they were 8 weeks old. They have always been very happy when they are dropped off and picked up from daycare. They we always very well taking care of. I have never had to worry about any diaper rashes because I know they are being changed constantly. Cindy does daily activities and crafts with my kids. Her play area inside and out is awesome, so much for the kids to do and so much for them to play with. I would recommend her to anyone. We are truly blessed to have her for our Daycare provider. If I could give her a 10 star I would. She is the best thing that happened to us! We are truly blessed to have her for our Daycare provider!

Rated 5 star by hotmamaof2 on 2016-12-03 03:11:25
Comment: If I could give Cindy a 10 - I would. She is nothing less than amazing. NOTHING LESS. When she cares for both my kids, they have nothing but good things to say about her! My son is ALWAYS well taken care of...every single day. She has something for them to do at all times, keeps them occupied and engaged. My son comes home with crafts almost every day and is excited to tell me what he's done for the day! I am thankful every, single day for her. Both my kids love her and she shows it right back. She's the best thing to happen to us :)
Rated 1 star by Mommy of 3 on 2016-09-27 21:47:55
Comment: If I could, I would give this provider a zero. My older children were tending to their brothers needs prior to school and when they weren't, my 10 month old was crawling around unsupervised and without toys or attention to engage him. It was reported to me by my children that when my son cried he was put in a playpen with a bottle and the door was shut behind him. The other children spent the day watching tv without toys or games to stimulate them. After dropping in, I discover my child asleep at 9am with a dirty bottom and milk caked in his creases, toddlers watching tv and again, nothing out for the children to play with. I could go on and on! He would come home starving, had night terrors, and refused to go near his play pen.
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