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Information for Shining Stars, a Licensed Family Child Care in Madison WI:

Provider Name: Shining Stars
Approximate Location: Maple Valley Dr, MADISON WI 53719
Contact Phone: 6088482738
License Number: 1013922
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 2 Week(s) - 13 Year(s)
Achievement and/or Accreditations: City Of Madison Accredited
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Normal Open Hours: 12:00AM - 11:59PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: 2 stars. Initial License Date: 6/1/2002. Open Jan- Dec.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by MotherDearest on 2022-12-20 01:27:46
Comment: I have been using Miss Stacy’s services for 2.5 months and at first it was great. It started going downhill when I realized that 2+ weeks out of the month, she had vacations. She also still provided care when RSV and COVID broke out in her home and the children started getting sick. She failed to inform me about it until my 7 month old was already sick. She offers pick up and drop off service but after having my vehicle stolen, she refused to provide those services to me. I found out that she had other people who were not youngstar certified watching my child when she had to run errands. People like her neighbor of whom I’ve never met. When I brought the concern to her attention she claimed it was in her contract that she would be able to have strangers caring for my child when she wasn’t around to do so. That was a RED FLAG to me. The professionalism doesn’t exist. I was late picking up my child after sustaining an injury and she called me yelling at me as if I was one of her children. This is the night I decided to discontinue care. She was yelling at me in front of the children she was caring for. Not to mention, she talking very badly about some of the children and their parents to me, which I feel is a strong violation. It’s disrespectful to talk badly about children especially when this is the profession you chose. Overall I had a terrible experience at this provider. There are alot of things being done that I feel have been happening for a while but she just gets away with them. I hope this review helps someone. Please do not pay her monthly. She does have lots of vacations and more times than not, your child is will be home more often than not. Pay weekly. Make sure to ask whether or not the children are well because she will still accept your children even with COVID and other illnesses inside the home.
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