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Information for ANN GILNACK, a family daycare home in Glastonbury CT:

Provider Name: ANN GILNACK
Approximate Location: 85 MARGARET LN, GLASTONBURY CT 06033
Contact Phone: 860-633-0416

My group home daycare provides care for infants to age 12 with a preschool program. I am enrolled in the care for kids program as well. My before/ after school children attend Hebron Ave. School and the East Hartford/Glastonbury Magnet School. We provide help w/homework as we have two adults at all times.

License Number: Family Child Care Home
Capacity: 6
Rate Range: To be discussed
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: 6:30am - 5:00pm
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Transportation: Near Public Transportation, School Transportation
Additional Information:

Education Level(s): Elementary Education, Bachelor's Degree, Associates Degree; Special Needs Experience: ADD/ADHD, Physical Disabilities;Hebron Ave. School district and the Glastonbury/ East Hartford Magnet School bus pick up at driveway.

Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Andrea on 2012-02-29 21:52:43

My daughter has been with Annie for 2 and a half years now and we have been very happy there. In fact, when I come to pick her up, my daughter always wants to stay. Annie has been more than fair with her rates as my daughter has spent less time there and more time in school. She has also been supportive to both my daughter and me as we have experienced some great upheaval at home. Annie has been doing this for enough years that she has been an outstanding source of information about school,buses, and much other daily minutae. Both I and my 8 yo daughter recommend Annie enthusiastically. 

Rated 5 star by Courtney on 2012-02-16 00:39:01

My daughter has been attending Ann's daycare since she was 8 weeks old and is now currently 8 months. I chose this daycare because I attended here when I was a child myself and I had no bad memories of having to go to daycare. When I became pregnant my husband and I decided to look around for childcare, my first choice of course was to call Ann. We called a few places to get prices and we found out that not only was Ann reasonable but her facility was still as great as I remembered it being, there was no contest. Our daughter has grown tremendously from the socialization, music, stories, and attention she receives, she is well beyond her developmental age. She looks forward to going and is full of smiles when we drop her off every morning. Each day we get a report on how her day was and trust that she is well cared for. We are quite pleased!

Rated 5 star by patty on 2012-02-13 23:22:26

My daughter has been attending Ann Gilnack's day care for a year and half now, just before her first birthday. Ann and her staff (2 part time child care workers) provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment that has enabled my daughter to thrive. Her development in all areas such as linguistics, social and emotional has flourished . We have been very happy with the care and education that she has received.

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