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Colorado Child Daycare >> El Paso County Home Daycare >> EMILY-CHARMAINE EVANS

Information for EMILY-CHARMAINE EVANS, a Family Child Care in Colorado Springs CO:

Approximate Location: 1441 Kirkham ST, Colorado Springs CO 80910
Contact Phone: 7192162744
Website: www.charmchildcare.com
License Number: 1559824
Capacity: 6
Age Range: 0yr:0mo:-18yr:0mo
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Languages Supported: English, English Sign Language
Additional Information: No more than 2 children under 2 years may be in care; 2 additional school-age children during non-school times; Approved for 4 children for overnight care; License capacity and exhibits include provider's own childrenSpecial Needs: Social Emotional Behaviors;Cognitive Delays;Speech/Communication.
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Cassi D Bothel on 2018-04-05 20:19:32
Comment: Best daycare provider I ever used, wish my daughter was still there. So structured, clean, by the book. I genuinely love Charm and can't say enough will feel things about her being in our life for childcare.
Rated 1 star by ohmsmom on 2015-09-21 18:27:49
Comment: If I could rate at 0, I would. This place is horrible. They are rude to clients and the kids. They dump you with two weeks notice and NO communication that there was ever a problem. Emily and her husband Richard cussed me out when I asked why I was being let go. They keep a child who broke their flat screen TV though... They feed the kids junk, no meals. They give out candy and snacks ONLY even though you sign paperwork so they can get funding for nutritional meals. They will agree to watch a child then disappear and not answer your texts (they are hearing impaired) causing you to call off from work or rush to find an alternate. Unreliable at best. Emily has older children watch the babies so she can sleep. Richard drops kids off late for school, so if you care about attendance don't rely on them for transportation. Don't even waste your time. They are nasty people who shouldn't have been given the privilege to look after children.
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