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Colorado Child Daycare >> Weld County Home Daycare >> JANE MARTIN

Information for JANE MARTIN, a Family Child Care in Eaton CO:

Provider Name: JANE MARTIN
Approximate Location: 35347 CR 39, Eaton CO 80615
Contact Phone: (970) 371-5869
License Number: 78051
Capacity: 6
Age Range: 0yr:0mo:-13yr:0mo
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Languages Supported: English, English
Additional Information: Provide direct supervision when children go through garage; License capacity and exhibits include provider's own childrenSpecial Needs: Respiratory Illness;Speech/Communication.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by sarah Schmitt on 2018-04-06 23:28:39
Comment: In my opinion, Jane is the best teacher I have ever had the pleasure of sending my child to. Our family includes three children and we have used three daycare/preschool agencies throughout the years. Jane significantly exceeded all expectations. Everyday I am amazed at the materials that come home with my child and her knowledge about the materials. Jane is enthusiastic about the material she teaches and truly loves all the kiddos in her class. I so appreciate here thoughtfulness and compassion towards my child. She is absolutely the best!!!!
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