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Information for Brenda's Daycare, a Family Child Care in Fort Collins CO:

Provider Name: Brenda's Daycare
Approximate Location: 2124 Sheffield DR, Fort Collins CO 80526
Contact Phone: 9702212128
Website: www.fcdaycare.com
Description: My daycare consists of a dedicated 1200 sq. ft. space that includes its own kitchen, large preschool room, large playroom, nap room, and bathroom. I also have a huge one third acre backyard, completely fenced in, with a 6 foot wooden fence and locked gates. The entire yard is lined with bushes, large shade trees, and grass which is maintained by a automatic sprinkler system and professionally serviced on a weekly basis. My yard comes complete with a basketball court used for ride on toys, a large sandbox, two playhouses, and a castle.
License Number: 76638
Capacity: 9
Age Range: 0yr:0mo:-13yr:0mo
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Languages Supported: English, English
Additional Information: Basement approved. See Letter; License capacity and exhibits include provider's own children
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Karen on 2017-06-15 22:57:10
Comment: Brenda is the most amazing Childcare provider! My oldest started going to her at 7 months old and just graduated from Preschool with her. They share a very special bond and I never thought twice when leaving him with her. He always wanted to stay and play for longer and would ask to go even when she wasn't open. She is an angel I swear, any kid who is able to attend Brenda's is very lucky!
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