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Pennsylvania Child Daycare >> Franklin County Home Daycare >> MARY ANN BALLARD FAMILY CHILD CARE HOME

Information for MARY ANN BALLARD FAMILY CHILD CARE HOME, a Family Child Care Home in Chambersburg PA:

Approximate Location: WAYNE RD, CHAMBERSBURG PA 17202
Contact Phone: 7172637458
License Number: CER-00184541
Capacity: 6
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Cassandra Commerer on 2022-10-04 16:41:15
Comment: If a zero star was an option, this daycare provider would recieve that rating. My 4 year old daughter was a victuim of emotional abuse from Annie. When we first started using this provider, there was another kid that Annie picked on and would say that they were the bad kid. When I picked up my child from Annie, Annie would tell me how terrible this other child was and everything he did wrong. This child truly believed he was a bad kid and of course acted as such due to the mental abuse he endured. Once he left and went somewhere else, Annie would brag about how well she did and talk poorly on the mother to other adults at the daycare. My child was the next "bad kid". She never really had behavior problems prior to Annie. I would recieve texts from Annie, and videos of how rude and disrespectful my child was to which my child recieved proper punishment for her behaviors when I would arrive or at home later that night. Eventually it became an every day problem with her. Every day my child did something wrong and would miss out on things because of her behaviors. Things my child never did before, she was getting in trouble for now. Then one day as I was picking my daughter up, I heard Annie yelling at her from the driveway and they were inside the house. I am not denying my child acting out but at some point I wondered what all was true. Most of the time Annie would ask an older kid what happened because she wasnt in the room. That was the excuse each time something happened. Annie wouldnt have been there in the room when it happened and an older kid would blame my child for something and without any concrete evidence, she wouold punish my kid. I witnessed a few times things happen to my kid right in front of Annie. When my kid would say something to her, she would tell my kid that she was lying until I spoke up and said no i saw that too. My child has moved onto Preschool and was in the process of unenrolling from Annie's care. When she told Annie that she was mean and not a good daycare lady, she forced us to find another daycare for my youbngest child as well. We planned to remove her from Annie's care anyways so that helpped but to kick out a 2 year old because what a 4 year old said to her (who she constantly called a liar anyways). this left me scrambling for child care for a 2yr old and 2 weeks to do so. after being out of annie's care for a short period of time, I began to notice the trauma my child endured in her care. She is so afraid of making bad choices. If we raise our voice at her, she gets scared and pleads with us to not yell at her and that shes sorry for being bad. She asks her preschool teacher if shes gonna yell at her and if shes a bad kid constantly. Both of my children are so much happier at their new daycare/preschool and honestly have a lot of healing to go through after leaving Annie's.
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