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Information for Jimenez- Garcia, Katty, a Group Family Day Care in New York NY:

Provider Name: Jimenez- Garcia, Katty
Approximate Location: 444 Manhattan Avenue, Apt. 2-C, Floor 2nd, New York NY 10026
Contact Phone: (212) 222-8678
License Number: 352088
Capacity: 16
Age Range: Total Capacity: 12 children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years AND 4 additional school-aged children
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments only; Initial License Date: 10/22/2008;
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by mother of 2 on 2017-12-03 02:35:42
Comment: Just feel the need to post something since I saw the negative review from 2015 above. Disregard what was written. It's not accurate at all. My kids have been there for over two years. Super nurturing environment. Lots of songs, books, crafts. Takes the kids to the playground everyday. Not sure who wrote that above or why, but it's not accurate about Katty's place.
Rated 1 star by Mom of a toddler on 2015-04-23 14:58:43
Comment: Has the feel of a kids warehouse, it's not nurturing nor stimulating, tons of little kids cramped in a tiny space. It's very depressing, my dc didn't like it at all. The kids are mostly unattended and left sitting on their strollers crying for long times. The caregiver is either on the phone or shouting at them, and doesn't do anything when the babies cry which is often and for long periods. The kids often kit each other, nobody does anything about it. If you have to use it, avoid it for kids younger than 2, as they don't comply with city regulations in terms of the quantity of caregivers needed per kid. Being so understaffed can be dangerous to younger kids. This place is only ok for an emergency, from time to time and for older kids. There are a ton of childcare arrangements that are much better and not more expensive in the area like Mother Hale Learning Center or Nursery North, they are just a few blocks away and are much better places for kids to be than this kids warehouse. Both of them take the kids daily to the playground and the park which is just 1 block away on their mini-vehicles, with 2 caregivers for each group of 6. Those kids seem always happy and well cared for. They also do academic enrichment with the kid in age-appropriate groups. There's NOTHING like that done at this place, the only "stimulating" thing the caregiver does with them is screaming "Ring Around The Rosy" over and over again or pretend to be a monster. That's it. These kids aren't ever taken to the playground or the park even though it's just 1 block away. Sharing a good baby sitter is a much better alternative to putting a kid in this place all day long as well. The kids who share a baby sitter are every day in the playground, socialize but also have the adult attention they need at young ages. Good luck!!!
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