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Information for Mickey's Clubhouse Daycare, a Family Child Care Home in Tacoma WA:

Provider Name: Mickey's Clubhouse Daycare
Approximate Location: EAST 104TH STREET, Tacoma WA 98445
Contact Phone: (253) 537-4922
License Number: PL-389
Capacity: 12
Age Range: birth - 13 years 0 months
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: First Initial License Date: 7/26/1990. Doing Business As Makila Carter. Early Achievers Status: Not Enrolled.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Concerned Parent on 2020-10-09 20:47:38
Comment: My daughter recently went to Makila Carter's daycare. At first it was such a sweet little homey place that my daughter LOVED but then things started change. I would come pick her up and kids would be outside by themselves while the owner and her assistant would be inside. I came to pick my daughter up one day and noticed a man in the yard that we had never seen before. I then found out this man was convicted for many things INCLUDING assault of a child. I immediately reported this to the licensor and she was reprimended. Recently, which is was made me decide to pull her, I was picking up in the middle of naptime and could hear a baby crying in the other room. I gathered my daughter and her things and went out to the car. I asked my daughter where the baby that was crying was and she stated the baby was in the room. I asked who was with the baby and she said no one. That is where the baby sleeps. Children, ESPECIALLY infants, should be in eyesight at all times. I emailed my concern to the owner and said I would be taking my daughter out and her excuse was "we have a camera in their that I can watch from my phone and we check on them periodically." I do not recommend this daycare at all to anyone who cares about the safety of their child and other peoples children.
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