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Information for GREGOIRE, MARGARET, a Family Day Care Home in Coconut Creek FL:

Approximate Location: 48th Ave, Coconut Creek FL 33073
Contact Phone: 9544262549
License Number: F17BO0011
Capacity: 10
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Normal Open Hours: 7:30AM - 5:30PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Drop In;Food Served;Full Day;Infant Care
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Rhonda S Fernandez on 2023-06-27 12:33:32
Comment: If negative stars could be given, I'd choose that option. My son & his fiance chose this child care provider because (1) she was close to their job & home and (2) would accept their son who wasn't a year old yet. The problems started almost immediately. "Maggie" constantly complained the parents never supplied enough bibs, diapers, wipes, clothes almost daily. The amount of supplies that were sent with the baby were almost tripled what is typically used in a day but it waant enough for her. Different children's clothes were sent home in his bag: on several occasions, they found clothes that did not belong to their son and the clothes the baby was wearing in the morning were not in his bag. His bibs & receiving blankets started to "grow legs & walk off" and 3/4 of them were never sent home with the baby. Their son suddenly began to get "sick" almost every week while in her care. He would he fine over the weekend and in Monday, my son would get a call the baby was "coughing", "had a fever", "very fussy", etc. On more than 1 occasion, my son took the baby to the doctor. He was diagnosed with sinusitis, given some meds AND a note to the child care provider indicating the diagnosis and that the child "was not contagious & could return to day care". Maggie sent article after article stipulating how contagious his condition was and that he couldn't be in her day care until it was gone. When my son stipulated the physician had indicated, in writing, he was allowed to go back to daycare, Maggie became infuriated as yelled "I don't care what the doctor says! I'm telling you he's contagious. I've been doing this a long time and I know what im talking about" On 7/27/23 @ 7:25 am, my son & his fiance stopped at the day care to give Maggie a termination of services letter. The door to the day care was unlocked but Maggie was nowhere to be found. They waited a couple minutes and then proceeded to the baby's cubby to retrieve whatever items where in there. Maggie walked in and began yelling at them. When she was told there was a termination letter on her desk, she became more irate and yelled louder, indicating she would sue them. My son informed her that he did not feel his child was safe or taken proper care of while in her day care, Maggie called him "a low class peice of shit" because he does not feel like his child is safe with her and the reason his child is always sick is because he's a bad parent. Amazingly,when the baby is at hone or with someone else, he's laughing, eating and shows NO signs of any illness.
Rated 1 star by Schafers on 2015-09-26 21:52:18
Comment: Nice to your face. They are very impatient. Didn't even wait one day for us to call back, knowing we are a busy family with 3 kids, running our own business. Threatened to call the cops over returning their enrollment paperwork. I did not give her any of our information. I did not fill out any paperwork. However some how they found our address and came to our door for their paperwork and harassed us. I would never leave my children with people that behave this way, especially over something like enrollment paperwork. There is definitely something wrong with these people.
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