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California Child Daycare >> Los Angeles County Home Daycare >> SAFA FAMILY DAY CARE

Information for SAFA FAMILY DAY CARE, a FAMILY DAY CARE HOME in Los Angeles CA:

Approximate Location: VETERAN AVENUE, LOS ANGELES CA 90064
Contact Phone: (310) 467-2444
License Number: 197403768
Capacity: 14
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 3 star by NotHappy on 2018-11-02 19:39:06
Comment: I used the daycare on the recommendation of another parent. Yes, they were loving towards my child but there are too many things wrong with this place. First, owner shows you around 3 roooms - 1 play room, 1 baby room and 1 toddler room and a play yard. However, every time I picked up or dropped my kids, they were in the playroom. The playroom is like an outhouse, away from the other rooms in the house. The worst outcome of this practice is that younger ones (with less developed immune system) fall sick a lot as they are not in a separate baby room but all the time in the play room with other toddlers/older kids. The younger kids are always strapped in seats, rockers if outside.. so their gross motor skills have little chance to develop. There are no structured activities during the day/month etc. for the kids. So your kid will not have the opportunity to explore or learn. The worst probably is they ask for detailed instructions on how to take care of your kids and then ignore it completely. My kid developed by leaps and bounds after I moved them to another daycare and meeting all their milestones at the Doctor's without a hitch.
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