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Information for RAMIREZ, MARIA, a FAMILY DAY CARE HOME in Salinas CA:

Provider Name: RAMIREZ, MARIA
Approximate Location: RIO VERDE DRIVE, SALINAS CA 93901
Contact Phone: (831) 758-4314
License Number: 274407132
Capacity: 14
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 4 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Trays Mom on 2023-02-21 16:32:29
Comment: My son attended daycare here for years and he had a blast. He always had trouble eating at home but after attending his appetite improved tremendously. Her home cooked meals were such a plus. Having used other daycares that only served frozen foods it was so refreshing to actually have healthy food. I knew going in that her faculties was a home daycare play based and not a preschool based daycare which was totally fine with me. The fact it was clean and in a safe neighborhood was much more important for my family. Overall I’d recommend this daycare!
Rated 1 star by RMora on 2022-07-19 21:21:49

Have to totally agree with Belinda above. Picked up my grandson from Maria's daycare and almost every day, he was being punished about something he had done. The kids are put in the backyard unsupervised most of the time I believe because she never could tell me what he had done and why he was being punished. He was two at the time and couldn't speak for himself, but when I showed up, she would go on and on about how he did this or didn't do that, and worse, she would complain about him while he was in front of her and point right at him. He would just hang his head and sob. He was miserable and I hated listening to her complain. The last straw was one day when I showed up and he was in the living room alone, on his hands and knees with his cheek on the floor, looking up and crying so hard. Could tell that he had been crying for some time. She said he didn't mind her so he wasn't allowed to play outside so he was mad. I left and called my daughter and told her to go get him and fire her, which she immediately did. The image in my mind of him on that day on that cold floor breaks my heart. Thank God we got him out of there before she was able to mentally break that baby. Hopefully he doesn't remember those times. I'll never forget them.

Rated 1 star by Belinda on 2019-01-16 17:45:20
Comment: This is our review of the Little Peanuts Daycare (Maria Ramirez). Our first impression of Little Peanuts Daycare was great. Maria has a beautiful clean home. The Daycare is a well-decorated room in the back of her house with a bathroom. The room has many toys, a little table with chairs and upon the walls are “school type” decorations. Maria cooks breakfast and lunch daily for the children, offering a balanced diet up to daycare mandatory codes. After the interview, without asking any further questions, besides the normal childcare concerns like drop off times, clothes, feeding, etc., we signed up. We realize now that we should have been more thorough in our questioning and more in depth. The reasons why we would not recommend this day care are the following: We feel that our son and the other children are not first priority to her. It appears she spent more time keeping a clean home, providing two home cooked meals daily, than focusing on the children. Our son was being placed in a playpen to cry alone with her not being attentive to his needs. The room where our son spent most of his time was not appropriate for a child of his age. It was a living room with a television, couch, few toys and a playpen. Children this young need supervised physical activity, as they are developing and exploring. Maria has her hands full keeping her home clean and cooking for the children. I asked, “Do you have any activities for the children?” Maria's response was, "I tried a few times to incorporate activities but the children choose play over the activities I have. So no activities, they learn through play." I did not agree with this answer, but I thought a clean, safe home and home-cooked daily meals, with her attention would suffice. I was wrong. During my son’s time with Maria, he stopped eating and lost weight. Maria reported to me that he would not take the bottle or would not eat during lunchtime. When I picked him up, she offered to demonstrate how she was giving him the bottle. I immediately knew what the issue was; it was the manner in which she was giving my son his bottle. She was shoving the bottle into his mouth. Being a first time mom, I did not feel comfortable correcting her and thought it could have been my son just being irritated. Later in the week, my mother made a surprise visit to Little Peanuts Daycare and witnessed the same feeding style being performed on my son. Once again, he was not responsive to the feeding. To not interfere with my agreement with Maria, my mother did not comment on this incident. She did ask Maria, “Can I take my grandson home?” she replied, “No, if you take him, I’ll terminate the care”. My mother decided to leave our son at the Daycare and to inform us of what happened. In conclusion, we felt like our son was Just a paycheck to Maria. We do agree that we should have asked more questions about our contract and termination policy. In addition, we should have voiced our concerns about the feeding and the style being used. We do not think Maria provides the type of Daycare that a toddler needs to learn, grow and to develop in. We do not recommend Little Peanuts Daycare (Maria Ramirez).
Rated 1 star by Susanna Lopez on 2015-09-14 15:19:55
Comment: Though I have not personally used this daycare, I do have some concerns regarding the caretaker of this facility. As an educator I believe the way we carry ourselves on and off the job is of most importance. It is a reflection of who we really are. With that being said, I am a neighbor of this daycare, and the experience our family has had with the owner of this daycare has been anything but neighborly. When other neighbors came to greet and welcome us to the neighborhood, The owner of this daycare came pounding on our door screaming at me about our small dog that wandered to her yard. Over the years since, she has been threatening to my adult daughter only because my daughter said hi to her young daughters. She has threatened to kill our dog and when my grandchildren would ride their bikes in front her house she would scare them away as she yelled at them to get off "her" sidewalk. These are not isolated incidents and greatly concerns me as she has children in her care. Someone who displays this kind of anger would definitely not be caring for children of mine nor would I refer them as a caretaker to anyone. Portraying your self one way in front of a client and then a completely negative way away from them would caution me greatly. Would I want to leave my children with someone who can be this threatening.I would want someone who is consistently true to their character.
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