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California Child Daycare >> Los Angeles County Home Daycare >> KADOSH FAMILY CHILD CARE

Information for KADOSH FAMILY CHILD CARE, a FAMILY DAY CARE HOME in Woodland Hills CA:

Approximate Location: HAYNES STREET, WOODLAND HILLS CA 91367
Contact Phone: (818) 703-1930
License Number: 197406043
Capacity: 12
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Review on 2022-06-08 20:17:00

STAY AWAY! I made the mistake of turning a blind eye to many things for the short time my daughter was here purely out of desperation. Ada will manipulate every conversation you have with her regarding any questions you have about your child. She makes parents feel uncomfortable to ask questions about their children and will talk over you without answering any question.

She is extremely loud but says that's her "natural" tone so this is what children hear all day long. She promises extra activities that most daycares provide, such as music lessons, etc. and does not provide them. When you question it, it's excuse after excuse (music teacher is on maternity leave or that she doesn't get along with them) There is zero transparency and no way to know what is going on inside the facility. At drop off, the door is slightly cracked open just enough to allow the child to enter but not to give the parent any visibility. There is no accessible view to the daycare or backyard. She will talk your ear off with complete disregard for anyone's time. During drop off and pick up, she will spend HOURS outside talking to parents about her personal life or even other parents, repeating herself over and over and over. You will feel trapped at drop off and pick up. Makes you wonder why she is not present and available for the children instead. Simply call her and you will see exactly what I am talking about regarding her excessive conversations, which presents lack of judgement in my opinion.

From an educational standpoint, child readiness activities are not provided to prepare them for the next step. Kids really don't learn much and this is more of a babysitting service where TV is on regularly. (During a late drop off, I heard the TV on and asked my daughter about it. She confirmed they watch Micky Mouse daily. I don't put my children in daycare to watch TV) The facility is messy and overfilled with junk. When I gave her a 6 week lead time about us leaving the daycare out of courtesy, she immediately told me that the current week would be the last one despite her having post dated payments from me. Anyone that truly cares about children would not behave in the manner that she does.

Do yourself and your child a favor and go elsewhere. There are many facilities that will enrich your child and this is not one of them.



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