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California Child Daycare >> Los Angeles County Home Daycare >> HENRIQUEZ FAMILY DAY CARE


Approximate Location: E. DE LEON STREET, LONG BEACH CA 90815
Contact Phone: (562) 594-8651
License Number: 198006711
Capacity: 14
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 5 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Natasha on 2015-09-24 23:34:34
Comment: I'd like to issue an apology for the negative reviews I left for the Henriquez Family Day Care. I've had an ongoing dispute with a member of their family, and in order to get revenge I posted a false review about their business. The truth is, Lilian is a very caring person and I'm sure she's a wonderful caretaker.
Rated 5 star by Allison on 2015-07-23 01:44:46

I used Lilian and her family with both of my boys. They are amazing with the kids and treat thme like their own. I love that Lilian speaks Spanish and taught my kids to be bilingual. Her daughters are both very successful, so I think she is doing something right!

Rated 5 star by amber on 2015-07-23 01:04:42
Comment: The first review is bogus! My daughter attended this wonderful daycare for nearly three years! They helped break her bottle habit, let go of her pacifier, and grasp potty training! When I picked my daughter up she never wanted to leave! She was always asking to stay and continue playing. Not only are Lillian, Carla, and the rest of the family fantastic child care providers, but they became a part of my family! Also, Lilian's English was never an issue! We could communicate about anything just fine! When my daughter started having seizures I always felt that she was safe and being constantly monitored while she was there. If I still lived in Long Beach I would definitely send my newborn son there for care as well!
Rated 5 star by Judy on 2015-07-23 00:28:10

My granddaughter was at Lilian' s for at least 2 1/2 yrs. I am from out of town and would stop in ,unannounced, when I visited. I am so thankful my daughter found Lilian' s. My granddaughter was well taken care of and very loved. I can't imagine anyone hearing yelling and cursing in that place. Thank Lilian, Carla and the others there for the excellent care you gave my little darling. MUGGUH. Ps: we are not Spainish speaking and never had problems communicating.

Rated 5 star by Nicole Harris on 2015-07-23 00:15:52

Great daycare! Great family. I always felt my child was safe. They treated myself and my son like we were family. They worked with us financially if my month was hard. They did crafts with my son, taught him simple Spanish words, made mother and fathers day gifts (no father at the time so I received double gifts) my son was special needs and they assisted with potty training. The children have their own bathroom aside from the bathroom in the home with I loved. Hommade meals daily. This daycare is where my child learned how to walk, learned his ABC's and days of the week. Great loving family. Highly recommended. Lilian speaks great English as well as her daughters and husband. In reference to the above review, I have never heard them use foul language. I also showed up at random times while my child was in Lilian's care and there were never ever any issues or problems. 

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