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Information for Anissa Shiflet, a Family Child Care Home in Taylors SC:

Provider Name: Anissa Shiflet
Approximate Location: Crescentwood Ct., Taylors SC 29687
Contact Phone: (864)609-5856
License Number: 9129
Capacity: 6
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: 7:00a-6:00p
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Stephanie on 2015-05-26 16:03:27

I wanted my children to be cared for with love, like they were family members. In a perfect world, I would have my grandmother or one of my aunts to take care of my children while my husband and I were at work. Finding Anissa was really a God send! When I visited her home, I felt warmth and comfort! Sending my children to Shiflet family daycare is not like sending them to a daycare at all. It's more like sending them to a family member's house, with their cousins. They learn through playing together. They sing songs and play games that I cherish from my childhood like Right Around the Rosie, Old McDonald and Jesus Come Into My Heart. I love that they learn how to be kind, gentle and obedient in addition to learning their ABCs, 123s, how to write and read sight words all before going to K5! Anissa has a passion for all the children that enter her home. She takes care of them like a second mom. She's consistent with her scheduling and proactive if their is any problem with other children's wellness (like if they get sick, she calls me without delay). Everyday I get detailed report on anything that may have been out of the ordinary with any of my children (i.e. didn't each much lunch, fussy during nap time etc). I highly recommend Shiflet Family Daycare!!

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