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Maine Child Daycare >> Androscoggin County Home Daycare >> HURLEY, LYNDSAY

Information for HURLEY, LYNDSAY, a Family Child Care Provider in Sabattus ME:

Provider Name: HURLEY, LYNDSAY
Approximate Location: BEGIN TERRACE, SABATTUS ME 04280
Contact Phone: (207)689-4325
Capacity: 12
Age Range: Open Infant Slots, 6 weeks to 1 year old: 0
Open Toddler Slots, 1-2 years old: 1
Open Preschool Slots, 3-5 years old: 1
Open School Age Slots, 5 years or older: 0

Rate Range: Androscoggin County Rates
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Type of Care: After School, Before School, Before and After School, Daytime, Drop-in Care, Full-Time, Kindergarten, Part-Time
Transportation: Field Trips
Additional Information:

Quality Rating - Step 1. We do take subsidy program

Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Anonymous on 2022-03-30 12:57:55
Comment: The owners comments have my laughing in tears ???? I was also in that waiting room with my pet and it was absolutely a terrible experience! The woman caring for the babies was so horrific to them NOT TO MENTION THE STAFF!!!! She was not polite and demanded things to go her way! I too called for a “same day” appointment and guess what? I was seen at my appointment time! If anything “Lyndsey” should be calling the girls at the front desk and profusely apologize!!!
Rated 5 star by My Boy on 2022-03-12 14:03:59
Comment: I am appalled with the 1 star review on this page for Lyndsay. The "screamer" in question is my son and Lyndsay called me once they got home from the Vet we tried to Duo a few times while she was in the exam room but she did not have enough service to hold the call. We are struggling to get my boy to understand unsafe situations and he is safe in the stroller. He hates to be confined but we all knew the game plan for the day and expected the resistance as he does the same for me during any doctors appointment or getting in the car or stroller or telling him no because he is a toddler and toddlers have difficulty in expressing themselves. The more we talk to him in these moments the more he screams and the harder it is to calm him, we have to keep it short and to the point or he will get worse. Lyndsay is a wonderful provider and works with each kiddo individually on their needs. So yes I do have a screamer when he is displeased but we are actively working on it and I encourage you to not judge a book on a moments high stress waiting room experience, she actively tried to calm him multiple times with each child's travel toy and attempting to call me multiple times but again she could not hold service. I also am not the only family she has that travels at least 30-45 minutes just to have her as our provider. Sincerely the screamers Mama
Rated 1 star by Anonymous on 2022-03-10 15:42:08

This woman should be fined for the way she treats the children she is supposedly suppose to be caring for. She brought them all with her to a vet appointment that she demanded after being told we could not see her until 11:20. She "walked in" with the children 2.5 hours prior to her scheduled appointment time. After waiting in the waiting room for 30 minutes the children began to get antsy. Some started crying and then screaming. She looked at the children all under 3 I would say (some in infant seats) and said "You can fuss all you want, you are not getting out." Those children SCREAMED and cried for 2 hours (some hyperventilating) while she continued to be rude to staff in front of them and telling the children we "didn't want to listen to them whine and complain any longer." In all reality, the entire staff felt so bad for those poor babies. I hope any parent that sends their child there highly reconsiders her professionalism and seeks a new childcare provider immediately!!!!

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