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Information for Mama Estelle's Daycare, a Group Family Day Care in Middletown NY:

Provider Name: Mama Estelle's Daycare
Approximate Location: 171 Wawayanda Avenue, Middletown NY 10940
Contact Phone: (845) 394-0877
License Number: 839868
Capacity: 16
Age Range: Total Capacity: 12 children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years AND 4 additional school-aged children
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: Care is available during non-traditional hours;
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Erika on 2021-04-15 23:16:48
Comment: I have filed a complaint with the bbb and the business’ original reason for dismissing my child was due to nonpayment of a hold fee. She made no attempt to contact me to tell me she did not get the still pending payment but contacted me unprofessionally to ask if I had given her phone number to a former employee, which I did not. I contacted her on our 14th day of quarantine after being required by the health department to only quarantined or 10 days to update her and tell her I will be keeping my child home a bit longer (even though I was not required to by the health department or our doctors.) she then told me my child’s spot was already given up and the payment will be refunded if it goes through. She then replied to my bbb complaint and said I disregarded the safety of other people by prematurely breaking quarantine which is false since March second was 14 days and the cdc and health department only require a 10 day quarantine of symptomatic individuals. Theo contradicts her reasoning for dismissing my child and I believe she discriminated us due to covid and should have checked her facts. She took a late payment from us any other time a payment was late so it is clear my child was not dismissed due to a payment being made a day late that she failed to contact me about but was instead too worried about how her former employee got her phone number. She also stated that I went “out of my way” to remove a positive review. I made the original review around the second week my child was in her care after she had asked me to. I have now seen her true colors and have written my review truthfully and accordingly and continue to hear other negative reviews from other parents as well. I am also wondering if she notified other parents and staff that my child had tested positive after attending the daycare facility 2 days before testing positive, because to my knowledge she did not and continued services disregarding the safety of others.
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