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Texas Child Daycare >> Potter County Home Daycare >> Robyn Kinsey

Information for Robyn Kinsey, a Registered Child-Care Home in Amarillo TX:

Provider Name: Robyn Kinsey
Approximate Location: MESQUITE SPRINGS TRL, AMARILLO TX 79119
Contact Phone: 806-570-8970
License Number: 1696766
Capacity: 12
Age Range: Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: Initial License Date: 11/8/2019.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Upset mom on 2022-08-15 05:31:40
Comment: I would not recommend this provider. After picking up my son one day, he told me he was spanked on the mouth and put in time out. No one should ever be laying their hand on my children. I did ask about this and was told he was just asked to stop and was put in time out because he got upset for another kid taking HIS toy. The other kid should have been the one in time out not him. I decided I would give her another chance hoping maybe my son was making the spanking part up. Second red flag was when I picked my son up two says in a row and other child had pulled his hair so hard he had two bald spots. They said they thought another kid was doing this to him or maybe his hair got caught in the zipper and I was told they would watch him and change out his nap matt. And the third red flag was her wanting to take my kids to pick up and drop off her kids. I was never told this was the plan until a week and a half before. This was happening because her helper quit. And this helper told me she left because she did not like how Robyn was yelling at the kids constantly. I told Robyn on a Friday that I was going to be moving my children to a different provider and come Sunday she told me she didn't know if she could even watch them from here on out because she is already replacing my kids. I told her I needed time to find someone else and that I did not feel comfortable with her driving my kids around and if this was the case I would have never even started them there. She basically said it's my problem and she left my stuff on her front porch.
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