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Information for Wooden Fish Preschool 2, a Certified Family Child Care in Portland OR:

Provider Name: Wooden Fish Preschool 2
Approximate Location: david douglas , Portland OR 97290
Contact Phone: (610) 952-0321
Website: www.Woodenfishpreschool.com
Description: The curriculum, environment, philosophy, and daily life of Wooden Fish Preschool are grounded in five guiding principles: Child Centricity: Wooden Fish Preschool is a place for children, with an approach rooted in the question –How can we provide children with the tools they need to continue their journey as lifelong learners? Community: We are dedicated to collaboration and communication among the people that make up our community and the communities of the children in our care. This includes the staff, the families, the neighborhood, the city and the cultures in which our lives are rooted. The teachers, children and parents form a community of educators and learners collaborating to create purposeful play. Diversity: we believe that diversity of people, families, culture, opinions, and beliefs provide the rich base from which children’s understanding grows. Wooden Fish Preschool believes children with different levels of ability still can learn together. Exploration: Wooden Fish Preschool we create environments that inspire the imagination. We join children on adventures of exploration. Children are allowed to construct their own knowledge through experimentation. Teachers curate an environment where children can learn all of the things they wish to know. Responsibility: We believe that every person must be aware of, engage with and respond to: the people around them; the world they live in; and their own physical, mental and emotional needs. As educators we are charged with awakening and encouraging this awareness, engagement and responsiveness in children.
License Number: CF503450
Capacity: 16
Age Range: 1 Years 6 Months - 11 Years 12 Months
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Type of Care: Daytime, Full-Time, Part-Time
Reviews: Be the first to review this provider.

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