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Information for Clark, Valeri, a Licensed Family Child Care in Eagle Mountain UT:

Provider Name: Clark, Valeri
Approximate Location: , Eagle Mountain UT 84005
Contact Phone: 3854398169
License Number: 71060
Capacity: 16
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Mom of Baby on 2022-09-07 00:00:11
Comment: Usually not the correct amount of caretakers when I would pick up my child. I am not counting the children of the caretakers. They are understaffed chronically. Husband went to pick up son one day and found him in the closet crying. He waited a full 5 minutes before Valeri came downstairs to the daycare. No one was watching the kids. A few other times I came and no one was with the kids. Waited until Valeri came downstairs. They have an open door policy to walk in the daycare. I came at odd times on purpose to see how they handled busier and slower times. Conveniently, more staff when parents usually come to pick up their kids. Baby went on a field trip once- I picked him up directly after the bus came back. Valeri handed my son to me and he was soaked in sweat and very thirsty. After he finished one bottle, he motioned for me to get him more. He appeared somewhat lethargic when I picked him up. I assume it was the heat and not appropriate air flow- would be very dangerous if he was much younger I’m sure. I saw Valeri’s son (age 6 or 7 maybe?) wandering around with a small infant (under 6 months for sure) multiple times, unsupervised, in the backyard. Valeri had some sort of medical emergency mid-August this year (2022). After a few days, I got a text from an employee telling me they no longer could take my son. I said I understood and asked when I could be reimbursed for what I paid the rest of the month. It became an ordeal. After me bugging over the course of a few days they said he could come back. I brought him back and they were more understaffed than usual. One caretaker for 12-15 kids I would estimate. I asked if she was getting help and she said Valeri was coming. I returned a couple hours later and still just one caretaker. I took my son and said I would keep asking for the money to be returned. Valeri finally responded after many attempts and she said she would pay me when she was getting paid next. She was very upset I bothered her again as it was Labor Day, but, she told me she would pay me that day. I gave her a couple weeks which I think was more than generous. She argued she didn’t owe me anything anyways because she offered care. That’s not really true unless running an illegal business counts. Caretaker to child ratio matters, and children should never be left unsupervised. There are strict rules about when a caretaker can leave the room and for how long. Please be sure to consult what is legally allowed before considering any daycare. I feel very guilty that I did not protect my child from this place. He deserves better, every child does.
Rated 1 star by Experience! on 2022-07-20 18:28:29
Comment: I have worked in a daycare, had my kids go to daycare since they were born and never have I had them or any of my charges have them problems this place has had. I highly suggest you don’t bring your kids here.
Rated 1 star by Toddler Mom on 2022-07-20 18:19:42
Comment: On several dates my son has come home from Daycare in a state of neglect. On 12/13/21, my child came home in the same diaper that he went to daycare in. The diapers we provided Bright Start were generic Costco diapers. The diaper was dropped off in a specialty diaper purchased by his aunt. The diaper was soggy and seeping through his clothing. The same happened on 1/11/21. I notified Valeri Clark both times and she said "training would occur". On 1/14/22, my child came home with excessive scratches on his back. I notified Valeri Clark and she said another child had given them to him. She had not realized how many there were. We were instructed to practice teaching our child how to tell others who are hurting him to "stop". On 6/5/22, my child came home with extreme sunburns that blistered along his shoulders. I notified Vanessa Green, assistant manager, and asked if there were additional precautions other than the rash guard supplied and sunscreen we needed to take to help our child not get the level of burns he acquired. She said they applied sunscreen every 30 minutes. Today, 7/6/22, I walked into daycare to find my child outside unattended. When I picked him up, I noticed that he was pooped and verbally stated so. At that time, my child started to cry excessively. He kept saying "poop" over and over again as he screamed. When I brought him inside, Vanessa Green supplied me with a diaper and wipes. I started changing him and noticed that there was dried poop all over his shirt and he was wearing the exact, hot pink diaper that we dropped him off with. As I removed the diaper, his butt was extremely red and he started screaming. During the entire time I cleaned his behind, he screamed. Vanessa stated that she and Valeri were the two employees that had worked during the day. I spoke with Valeri and Vanessa as we were leaving telling them of my frustration and anger for the neglect that had occurred. Valeri texted me within the hour offering an explanation for why his diaper wasn't changed at the 3pm scheduled change because she was distracted with parents picking up other children and many child must have gone to go play. We tried to allow for grace knowing that things happen when you watch children, but this has gotten excessive.
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