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Information for Lil' Feet Daycare, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Frederick MD:

Provider Name: Lil' Feet Daycare
Approximate Location: Weybridge Rd., Frederick MD 21702
Contact Phone: (240) 651-5182
Website: Www.lil-feet-daycare8.webnode.com
Description: The environment is trusting, loving, safe, fun and educational. My home has a large fenced play area. I offer a structured daily routine with fun preschool curriculum and activities and lots of learning. I am certified in CPR, First Aid, and SIDS. I happily support and encourage breastfeeding mothers. I assist with potty training. Hours are 6am-6pm M-F.
License Number: 255404
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Rate Range: 140 - 200
Normal Open Hours: Monday-Friday January-December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Type of Care: After School, Before School, Before and After School, Daytime, Drop-in Care, Full-Time, Part-Time
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Unsatisfied on 2021-06-15 19:35:40
Comment: I never do this ever but I’m very upset. My grandson was with her from the first month she opened up she was great the first two years fast forward . When I child turns two the rate drops so for a year and half now my daughter was paying the new rate which brings me to all the problems… she is very unprofessional you sign a contract when you start with her but it doesn’t hold true she changes stuff all the time . She will only text you with things never talk to you about it. She asked my daughter to call her a couple of weeks ago to go over this new contract since covid which we have yet to see so my daughter called her . During this phone call her husband was in the back ground yelling at my daughter about all this while she sat there and didn’t say nothing hello who runs this daycare center her husband said that my daughter was taking advantage of his wife because she has been paying a lower rate for a kid that is potty trained well hello she said because he was two he got the lower rate and mind you we have been paying for a year half . She said she would give him two weeks to potty train that was in the middle of the week by Friday she sent her an email saying the rate was going up effectively starting on Monday what happened to the two weeks . She changes the time all the about kids getting picked up and mind you she is supposed to be open for 12 hrs and my daughter works 9 hr days so she has off every other Friday off which she keeps her son but her husband said she was taking advantage of his wife when he was yelling at my daughter. Hello he supposed to be potty trained there since he’s there most of the day doesn’t happen. O and all off sudden my grandson breaks toys and is mean to other kids . Which for awhile she’s was getting rid of kids saying they were just to bad so that makes me wonder now. The point is she is good with baby’s and baby’s only she is great with them older ones not so much she doesn’t take the outside ever there stuck in a basement she does not do a preschool program like she advertises so if you don’t mind someone taking off a lot and you have a back up babysitter and you don’t rules changing all the time without you knowledge then she’s the one for you but older kids deserve so much more and she has false advertisements.
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