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Texas Child Daycare >> El Paso County Home Daycare >> Nancys Daycare

Information for Nancys Daycare, a Licensed Child-Care Home in El Paso TX:

Provider Name: Nancys Daycare
Approximate Location: 10461 ACHILLES DR, EL PASO TX 79924
Contact Phone: 915-261-6001
License Number: 1675399
Capacity: 12
Age Range: Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Additional Information: Initial License Date: 5/29/2018.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 3 star by Alaina on 2023-06-27 15:15:35

She has no cameras and doesn’t take it well if you drop by unexpected. She has no helpers so when a child is picked up or dropped off, she leaves all the other children unattended in the house to come outside to get or return the child. She made it known that my daughter specifically did not take this well, and instead of helping make a work around, basically acted like it was a huge inconvenience. She left my daughter sleeping in a high chair without straps. My daughter also was scolded there, I would pick her up noticing she learned how to assertively shake her head no while shaking her finger. That’s not something a 20 month old should have done to them. My daughter would always come back clean and having eaten but that doesn’t negate my concerns.

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