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Utah Child Daycare >> Box Elder County Home Daycare >> Nelson, Abby

Information for Nelson, Abby, a Licensed Family Child Care in Brigham City UT:

Provider Name: Nelson, Abby
Approximate Location: , Brigham City UT 84302
Contact Phone: 8014408689
License Number: 63254
Capacity: 8
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Marie Valentine Sagers on 2019-09-13 04:50:48
Comment: Abby gets standing ovation. She has been able to run a daycare for children other than Buck Danger and Ace Wild and her other 40 year old child Adam Nelson (her X) who is disturbed..distraught ...displays demonstrative behavior...makes jokes about her to the clintele at CHS..his personal empire he is dictator over...and tampers with substantial evidence which is a federal offense & he should be in prison. Do yourself a favor and stand for Abby...boycott Crystal Hot Springs
Rated 5 star by Daisy on 2019-09-13 04:22:30
Comment: After knowing her x-husband Adam Nelson for years ...and he still tells awful jokes about Abby I give Abby the highest calling after being married to a disturbed emotional 40 year old abusive child and staying in the same town as that demonstrative example of a human being who is manager of CHS with no boss over him within states or countries from Honeyville, Utah. Adam calls it his empire and runs it like a dictatorship. Can you imagine the emotional abusive he has caused Abby? He jokes if you ask him how much weight he has lost and his reply is 200 pounds and most of it was my X-wife. Abby not only cares for Buck Danger & Ace Wild as she does other people's children. Please back Abby Nelson a million percent and if you've heard just the tip of the iceberg about Af Nelson...boycott Crystal Hot Springs and don't let him be a dictator over income in Box Elder County. He could care less about you....he just cares his empire grows. Sincerely VOTE ABBY!!!
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