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Virginia Child Daycare >> Alexandria City County Home Daycare >> Alex Garcia

Information for Alex Garcia, a Family Day Home in Alexandria VA:

Provider Name: Alex Garcia
Approximate Location: Corcoran Street, Alexandria VA 22309
Contact Phone: (571) 268-2376
License Number: 1109504
Capacity: 12
Age Range: 1 month - 12 years 11 months
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Normal Open Hours: 5:30 AM - 10:00 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Aneris on 2021-08-13 21:32:02
Comment: My two boys, 3 and 4 years old, have been attending Alex Day Care for over a year and absolutely love it! They come home and tell me how great their day was and what they've learned. My oldest son has Autism and is receiving Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy at the day care. They've accommodated a room where therapy can take place to ensure the best possible sessions with his licensed therapist. If any of my boys are not feeling well or they've been hurt, I'm informed immediately. Not once have I felt my boys were in danger under the providers care and supervision.
Rated 1 star by Ama R. S on 2020-12-03 04:22:22
Comment: These are the absolute worse provider's and any parent's worse nightmare! These people are lier's & manipulators! My 1 year old child was severally hurt here with what was deemed an non accidentally Injury and Child Abuse by medical professional's and emergency doctor's. The daycare told be nothing about the injury and did not notify me when it happened or when I arrive. when I called them to ask what happened they totally denied everything and got very defensive. They kept telling me nothing happened until the very end they made up some story about her falling out a chair and that they didn't feel they needed to notify me. However my child's injury is not a fall injury at all what so ever. Detective's/Law enforcement, Child protective services, and the county licensing Agency and Child Abuse experts and pediatric forensic physicians are involved in this case. These people are a poor excuse for a daycare facility and childcare provider's. They will tell you one thing and do something totally different behind your back. They can not handle the amount of children they have and are just desperate for the money so they are constantly neglecting the children and understaffed. They pretended like it was the wife & husband running the daycare and that they had also had an assistant present as well. The wife is almost never there, the husband is the one taking care of all the kids, the assistant also has very limited hours and is not always there. God knows what actually goes on in that demonic home! I have seen multiple alcohol bottles just laying around where the kids are kept. The place is disorganized and not kept up well at all as far as cleanliness. They have an highly aggressive dog (Daisy) that seems to have alot more issues then what they initially just described as "barks alot". I would absolutely never ever reccommended this daycare to ANYONE! PLEASE BE AWARE! DO NOT SEND YOUR BABIES HERE! THESE ARE THE KIND OF PEOPLE THAT END UP ON TV FOR CHILDREN DYING UNEXPLAINABLY UNDER THEIR CARE! PLEASE BE SAFE!!!
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