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Iowa Child Daycare >> Linn County Home Daycare >> Jennifer Rasmussen

Information for Jennifer Rasmussen, a Registered Child Development Home B in Cedar Rapids IA:

Provider Name: Jennifer Rasmussen
Approximate Location: Bever AVE SE, Cedar Rapids IA 52403
Contact Phone: (319) 981-4536
License Number: 49120
Capacity: 12
Rate Range: Infant (up to 24 months) Hourly/3.00| Infant (up to 24 months) Hourly/3.00| Infant (up to 24 months) Hourly/3.00| Infant (up to 24 months) Hourly/3.00| Infant (up to 36 months) Hourly/3.00| Infant (up to 36 months) Hourly/3.00| Infant (up to 36 months) Hourly/3.00| Infant (up to 36 months) Hourly/3.00| Preschool (24 to Kindergarten) Hourly/3.00| Preschool (24 to Kindergarten) Hourly/3.00| Preschool (24 to Kindergarten) Hourly/3.00| Preschool (24 to Kindergarten) Hourly/3.00| Preschool (36 to Kindergarten) Hourly/3.00| Preschool (36 to Kindergarten) Hourly/3.00| Preschool (36 to Kindergarten) Hourly/3.00| Preschool (36 to Kindergarten) Hourly/3.00| School Age (K and up) Hourly/3.00| School Age (K and up) Hourly/3.00| School Age (K and up) Hourly/3.00| School Age (K and up) Hourly/3.00
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Normal Open Hours: 12:00AM - 11:59PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Anon on 2020-12-31 00:34:15

I would never let Mrs. Rasmussen watch my baby ever again. After reading compliances and concerns of other parents of her using forcefulness on children under the age of 24 months, It would be hard to not believe it. She has horrible communication skills and lies. She told me that her child was sick & then stopped giving care to my child, she started ignoring me when I was asking for a return date a whole week later. Now she is ‘done’ because I posted on a social media site that I was looking for someone to care for my child temporarily.(because I have a job and need to keep a roof over my head) When I told her that I would reach out to DHS about what has been going on, if she continues to ignore me and not give me a potential date that my child can return to her care, (which I no longer recommend nor would even let her) she started cursing and telling me that DHS won’t do anything about it anyways. I also paid her in advance to watch my baby, and she won’t give me a refund nor even speak of it. She blocked me on Facebook because she’s petty !! ( I was seeing when I could come pick up my baby’s items like wipes, diapers, bottles, sippy, diaper creams, and Tylenol & ibuprofen. ) TERRIBLE. DO NOT LET YOUR CHILD BE UNDER HER CARE.

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