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Information for Crest Daycare, a Licensed Child-Care Home in San Antonio TX:

Provider Name: Crest Daycare
Approximate Location: 12122 STRATSBURG, SAN ANTONIO TX 78252
Contact Phone: 210-984-6217
Website: https://facebook.com/crestdaycare2009/
License Number: 1661075
Capacity: 12
Age Range: Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Additional Information: Initial License Date: 3/22/2018.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 2 star by Destinee Ramirez on 2022-10-24 16:08:59
Comment: Crest Daycare was the first daycare my two youngest kids attended starting at age 2 and 11 months. I came from being a stay at home mom so I was worried about my kids being cared for by someone else, but overall, Creslyn provided excellent care for my kids. They were always happy to attend and liked them. My issue with this daycare is that Creslyn picks when and what policies she wants to enforce and when you bring a complaint she terminates your contract without notice and without rectifying the situation. Completely unprofessional and she just wants to get rid of the problem in all instead of talking about it and seeing how it can be resolved. The policy issue at hand is providing a doctor's note if your child has to be picked up from daycare. In the year my kids were attending she NEVER required this. My kids contracted COVID, the flu, hand foot and mouth, and several other illnesses due to going to daycare with other kids which is bound to happen, but again she never required a doctors note. When my youngest daughter got RSV just this past week she then required a doctors note and when I questioned her as to why since she's never enforced that policy for previous illnesses she sent me a screenshot of the policy. I asked her if we could speak about the issue at hand on Monday 10/24/2022 and she ceased communication and the next morning Saturday, October 22, 2022 she then terminated our contract without reasonable cause. I asked her again if we could speak about this on Monday because we did not want to terminate our contract but instead wanted to come to the same understanding, but she ceased communication. Monday morning I showed up and she had her mother hand off my childrens remaining items and shut the door. I rang on the doorbell with her ring camera and they ignored it so I knocked and she finally came out and said "Oh I didn't know you were still here." I told her I needed copies of my childrens records, a copy of the contract, and verification that she deleted all pictures of my son using the restroom off of her personal device from potty training. Before I left I told her I would file a formal complaint with the Texas Work Commission for Child Care Centers and she shrugged her shoulders and said "Okay" with an attitude. She will make it seem like any illnesses your child/ren has/have are your fault because "noone here is sick." Another point to bring up is when your child is potty training, listen to your child. My son said "teacher hit head" if he would pee in his underwear while potty training. When I asked him if teacher is mean he said "yes her hit head" and I asked "because SON bad boy or because SON go pee in chonis (underwear)" and he would say "pee pee in chonis (underwear)" and he never waivered from saying this. Be very weary and make sure you follow the protocols even if she doesn't.
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