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Information for Seema Gulati, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Bowie MD:

Provider Name: Seema Gulati
Approximate Location: Loganville Street, Bowie MD 20720
Contact Phone: (301) 464-1560
License Number: 253649
Capacity: 7
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Normal Open Hours: Monday-Friday January-December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Janice K on 2019-10-12 19:55:06
Comment: Please do not bring your children to this lady or this family. Both husband and wife, Seema and Vijay, are so bad. I can go as far and say they are pure evil. I still cannot believe they are in daycare business. These people only know how to use, abuse, and torture people. They have emotionally and psychologically tortured people. Her husband can be very abusive and has a very bad temper. He has destroyed property in his rage. He drinks a lot and had passed out drunk before. Seema has the weekends to get things done or after daycare to get things done, but she chooses to leave her husband with the daycare kids while she steps out. Might I add, her English is not that good and she has unprofessional posters up with misspelled words. It is really weird. They have the most wonderful daughters. The most beautiful and precious daughters in the world. I still cannot believe people like Seema and Vijay have children like them. Only good people should be blessed to have kids like them. I cannot stand seeing her children being beat up by the mother. There are better ways of disciplining ones kids. Seema and Vijay expect people to do things for them, but do not want to help anyone in return. They will forget your help and favors in the blink of an eye. They are not good people. They are not good friends. They are not good human beings.
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