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Michigan Child Daycare >> Shiawassee County Home Daycare >> ELAINE FULLER

Information for ELAINE FULLER, a CHILD CARE GROUP HOME (CAPACITY 7-12) in Owosso MI:

Provider Name: ELAINE FULLER
Approximate Location: 615 N SHIAWASSEE, OWOSSO MI 48867
Contact Phone: (989) 494-4487
License Number: DG780389954
Capacity: 12
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday
Normal Open Hours: Day Only
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Full Day Program.
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Katelinn Kelley on 2022-11-18 01:23:33

If I could leave a zero I would. My daughter started going last year Monday-Friday 8a to sometimes as late as 6pm as I would run late from work sometimes. My child was treated very poorly they were mean to her and would make her sit on the couch while the other kids played in the play room. Not to mention I came to pick up my daughter early one day and all of the kids were outside but her. Elaine and her Husband were very rude to me on multiple occasions. Elaine’s sister Carol backed into my vehicle and when asked for her insurance information she didn’t have a “copy” as it was a newer vehicle. I tried to push this as I wanted to file a report but was told I would lose daycare coverage due to this. This should have been a red flag right away but I decided to let it go. As the damages were only to my front bumper. My daughter always had a rash due to them hardly changing her. And she would always come home with a messy diaper. Mind you my kid never had blowouts at home but they would intentially make her sit in her poopy diaper. So she would continue to go in the same diaper causing it to overflow. What I am most upset about was the fact that they not only treated my daughter poorly but they had a whole investigation going on due to a rape case with their grandson and they never notified us! Very sick and very sad ! Do not recommend this facility at all.

Rated 1 star by Parents need to know on 2022-04-21 15:40:36
Comment: Elaine’s 28 year old grandson lived there without our knowledge and sexually assaulted my 9 year old daughter for several months. His name is Collin Robinson and there are 2 counts of 1st degree csc charges against him. My daughter swears she knew about it.
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