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Information for Miss Robin's Children Family Group Day Care, a Group Family Day Care in Hollis NY:

Provider Name: Miss Robin's Children Family Group Day Care
Approximate Location: , Hollis NY 11423
Contact Phone: (718) 468-1908
License Number: 760884
Capacity: 12
Age Range: Total Capacity: 12 children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Sarah on 2022-03-26 19:06:55

My child attended this facility for less than 3 months during this time my child who is asthmatic started getting sick. The services were for afterschool where I was charged $85 per week. My child was showing symptoms of her allergies with swollen, teary itchy eyes, coughing, and sneezing which I was informed by the school nurse but never got a call from the aftercare facility about the condition of my child. My child had an asthma attack on Friday (March 11, 2022) and did not go to school, the following week I went to get my child I was told I need to pay $10 because she had to use gas and her time which is already calculated in the weekly fee. Then I received a text message as a reminder for the $10 only this time it was phrase as a cancellation fee though she did not have the responsibility of my child that day. My child is picked up between 4:30 and 5:00 pm however the following week (March 18, 2022), she was picked up for the first time 6:39pm. This woman called me cursed me out, argued with me and also complained that she is with people's kids from 7:00am and when it's time for her to go home she wants to go home. Very understandable. Initially when I registered my child, she told she goes up to 7:00pm and I also have the paper that reflect this information. I have worked in HR and usually you are given warnings, this woman cursed me out for nearly half hour straight then the following Monday sent a text message apologizing for the heated conversation. Her arguing with me shouldn't have happened in the first place as my older daughter or myself is always early in getting my child. Another text message follow that I should pay her another $10 as she did argue that after 6:30pm it's $1 per minute which she did not earn as I have the paper that states 7:00 to 7:00 and that her time was very important as she didn't get the first $10. On the other side of that paper I submitted to HRA for childcare she stated $175 for aftercare while charging me $85. This woman is nothing but a common criminal, making up rules as she goes along and cares nothing for your child. How can you call yourself a CHILD CARE PROVIDER then complain about keeping peoples children? She is so unprofessional. The following Monday she left my child at school for $20 she did not earn, where is the CARE in that? You chose to go in that business, then cursed me out and also hang the phone up in the process then claimed the call got dropped. You are in the wrong business. I told you my child was sick and you saw an opportunity to make more money. Other parents might pay whatever addition is stated without question as childcare is hard to find but the CARE is lacking in this facility. I did find a cheaper and safer alternative as my child is allergic to all animals, nuts and seeds; that cat she has all over could be the reason for my child's asthma and allergy attacks as she hadn't had one in over 3 years. This facility lacks professionalism. If there is a course for business ethics and professionalism this woman needs it. She also stated in that text that there’s a huge misunderstanding in her position as a CHILD CARE PROVIDER and that she is registered with the New York State of Department as I did not know they could operate without being registered. Am I missing something or is this person somehow surprised? She is nothing but a common criminal. where is the CARE.

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