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District of Columbia Child Daycare >> District Of Columbia County Home Daycare >> Altagracia Y. Sanchez/Mundo De Fantasias

Information for Altagracia Y. Sanchez/Mundo De Fantasias, a Child Development Home Expanded in Washington DC:

Provider Name: Altagracia Y. Sanchez/Mundo De Fantasias
Approximate Location: 2610 10th ST, WASHINGTON DC 20018
Contact Phone: (202) 834-1111
Capacity: 9
Age Range: 0 - 5 years
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Languages Supported: English, Spanish
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Andrea Morales on 2021-02-03 21:25:30
Comment: Is there a higher rating available for exceptional service? If so, this daycare would break ceilings. There are no word to describe how wonderful Ilumi (as we dearly call her) and her team is with our daughter and the rest of the kids. My daughter has shown great improvement on her social, language and motor skills ever since she arrived to Mundo de Fantasias. Ilumi and her team go beyond the call of duty. Ilumi is very professional and truly loves working with kids. We were worried that our daughter would have a hard time adapting to a napping and feeding schedule outside home, and Ilumi assured us that she would be fine. Well, I can now honestly say that my daughter naps and eats better now at the daycare than at home! Being first-time parents, we were really nervous about every single thing, and she was very patient answering all of our questions. We even get daily updates and pictures of our daughter's progress and activities during the day. During this pandemic, Ilumi has taken all precautions, and even more, to build a safe community for the kids and the parents. We feel at peace and trust her completely. My daughter is happy, thriving, and that for us is worth everything.
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