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Information for Ahmed, Shahida, a Family Child Care in Stoneham MA:

Provider Name: Ahmed, Shahida
Approximate Location: THERESA RD., STONEHAM MA 02180
Contact Phone: 7814350881
Website: www.childcarecircuit.org
License Number: 16720
Capacity: 6
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: Provider First Licensed on: 05/18/2002.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Leisha on 2022-07-12 16:02:09
Comment: We found Ms Ahmed’s care center through Care.com. We were desperate for childcare because our daughter was born 6 weeks earlier than expected. We met with her in January and she seemed wonderful. Her home was clean, tidy and we liked her styling of teaching and care. We set up for full time (5 days 8a-5p) care beginning in June, we didn’t NEED care until mid March/April so it didn’t feel like too bad of a wait. We were informed early May that we couldn’t start until July - miscommunication on her end. We made it work. Daycare is so expensive and so hard to come by these days, we felt it was worth the wait. Mt daughter started on a holiday week so it was a 4 day week. She is 9 months old and peak textbook attachment phase. She is generally very happy, interactive and playful with all adults and children, however she cries at drop off even with close family members. The short of it is, we were told after 4 days we could no longer return. The first two days our daughter needed to be held or on a lap to not be upset, the third day she showed progress - not needing to be held but just needing to see Ms Ahmed was nearby. The fourth day there was a second infant, younger than our daughter. At 4pm on a Friday, we were told we could no longer come back because she felt it was “torturous” to our daughter. She told us we needed to “be careful” with our preemie daughter. Yes she was born early but she is meeting every 9 month milestone and has caught up to her birth age by a mile. Not only was giving up on a baby who needed time to adjust a terrible, rude, inappropriate action but to comment on the potential medicinal health of my child was beyond offensive and inappropriate. My husband and I both work full time and wrapped up temporary childcare the week prior (because we had to wait until July for a spot to open here). We do not recommend this daycare especially if your child is not a toddler.
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