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California Child Daycare >> Santa Cruz County Home Daycare >> Pittter-Patter

Information for Pittter-Patter, a family daycare home in Santa Cruz CA:

Provider Name: Pittter-Patter
Approximate Location: 7th Ave, Eddy Lane, Santa Cruz CA 95062
Contact Phone: 4153790592
Description: At Pitter-Patter we feel most excited when we can teach children how to be kind to one another and to learn how to become independent. As a caregiver, I love how creative and imaginative children can be and love to offer opportunities to ignite their curiosity and wonder. It makes me happy to play such an important role in their learning by providing the freedom to play in their own way and still share creative activities so they can express themselves and grow like yoga and music. When I care for your child I will make sure to set up activities that are perfect for their age, that are chock-full of discovery, inspiration, and fun! I will be there to guide your child's learning with gentle and nurturing support.
License Number: 444415106
Capacity: 5
Age Range: 2 to 5 years
Rate Range: 50 day -250 week
Days of Operation: Mon - Fri
Normal Open Hours: 8:30 to 6:00 pm
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Daytime, Drop-in Care, Full-Time, Part-Time
Transportation: , Field Trips
Additional Information: Kelly is the mom of two beautiful children aged 7 and 2. She is patient and kind, enjoys teaching and playing with children and is a “hands-on” mom. She is background checked with the DOJ and FBI, certified in First Aid & Pediatric CPR, and Preventative Health Practices. She cares deeply about her role in supporting busy families and includes all meals and snacks in her tuition rates.
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