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Colorado Child Daycare >> El Paso County Home Daycare >> NICOLE THOMAS

Information for NICOLE THOMAS, a Family Child Care in Colorado Springs CO:

Provider Name: NICOLE THOMAS
Approximate Location: 1515 N Murry BLVD, Colorado Springs CO 80915
Contact Phone: 7196418720
License Number: 1673323
Capacity: 6
Age Range: 0yr:0mo:-18yr:0mo
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Languages Supported: English, English
Additional Information: No more than 2 children under 2 years may be in care; 2 additional school-age children during non-school times; Approved for 3 children for overnight care; Basement shall be secured/locked during child care hours; Garage should be locked during child care; License capacity and exhibits include provider's own children
Reviews: There are 7 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by The Audacity on 2023-10-09 13:42:23
Comment: This facility owner and her pathetic assistant needs to pass a mental evaluation before ever running a daycare center for children let alone anything pertaining to children. These piece of shit fucks do the bare minimum to get by for the day and show no real interest in children at all. Do not send your children to this miniature juvenile detention center where your children will be mistreated and verbally abused. Nicole needs her license revoked and arrested for child neglect in the First Degree. If there’s ever a Purge, I’m driving from Florida to Colorado to assonate this witch myself. Stay away from her and her shenanigans I would actually give this shit a 0 star rating but it’s not an option on here.
Rated 1 star by Parent on 2023-10-07 02:37:17
Comment: This place needs to be shut down immediately. Not only was a child left in feces, crusted and filthy at 4 years old, the owners went and justified their actions. Instead of tending to someone in underwear knowing the poop will travel in more areas, they told their Facebook page those in diapers shouldve been cared for there while he should have sat in the car in poop and be cleaned at home by his parents. It’s showing if my child is in danger, they’ll wait until a parent arrives vs caring for the child in their care.
Rated 1 star by Melissa on 2023-10-05 04:35:29
Comment: This place is deplorable! The “child care workers” allow a baby to sit in there own feces to the point of it drying on there skin, then got mad because the father of the child chose to clean that child there at the day care center. Thats what there job is! They didn’t even call the parents to bring clothing to the child?! Absolutely turn and run far from this place ! They need to lose there License for sure.
Rated 1 star by Co parent on 2023-10-04 12:27:06
Comment: Needs to be shut down!! I’m sure she wouldn’t let HERSELF sit in her own feces but was quick to let a baby!! No excuses period! I’ve had my own child come home in other kids clothing when there was an accident and didn’t have extra clothes right away. You and your mom are disgusting.
Rated 1 star by Autumn on 2023-10-04 00:22:07
Comment: This daycare needs to be shut down and I will be reporting this establishment to the state for child neglect and abuse. Please do not send your children to this daycare. She has deleted her Facebook page and neglected all claims of child neglect, disregarding the fact she left a child in feces and shamed the parents for attempting to clean their child before taking him home. Please read this story at this Facebook link and please do not send your babies here !!! https://www.facebook.com/100000441916964/posts/pfbid0QdpQiK5CpEEg9zcgRr8YB2cMM8rHkbYq7uCwmrj4v3Tdc6MGJfz5L2vVFP5xYXCql/?mibextid=WiMSqg
Rated 1 star by Arri on 2023-10-03 23:52:39

Disgusting service. Straight up child neglect. I hope you all lose your licensing. You don’t deserve to care for our children!

Rated 1 star by Miah on 2023-10-03 18:40:56
Comment: So this is a post I never thought I’d be posting anytime soon. I’m feeling a lot of emotions right now but hurt is an understatement of what I’m feeling. My son was neglected and mistreated at Nicole’s Licensed in Home Daycare in Colorado Springs (1515 N Murray Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO). He had an accident during his nap time where he pooped on himself which is not normal behavior of him. Not only did her mother (Michelle Estrada) leave my child in his own feces for God knows how long, she was incredibly mean to him, degraded him, and made him lay in it. She made no attempt to clean him up and she stated that “he had no clothes and he should have told her he had to poop”. I will accept accountability that we didn’t have a change of clothes for him at the time, but I don’t understand how she’s a grandmother and she could look at my son crying and clearly embarrassed and not make an attempt to better the situation. She could have AT LEAST gotten the poop off of him but no. She made my husband pick him up and got nasty with him when he asked to clean him off. My son had been crying for hours and was so embarrassed when my husband arrived. She didn’t want to give us the baby wipes that WE provided to clean him up. The poop was all over his bottom, genitals, stomach, back, and legs. It was crusted on his skin and it took a lot to get it off of him. I don’t understand how she thought it was okay to have that daycare smelling like that because she said “she doesn’t have time for that”. To make matters worse, the owner (Nicole Thomas) sent me this text message that was so demeaning, so nasty, so vile, and so incredibly rude. As you can see by the text, she wanted us to take our child home who was covered in feces, in the car, and to clean him off at home. No parent should have to worry about their child being mistreated while they are in a “Christian” setting. Please do yourself a favor and avoid this daycare if you can. I can’t even believe I gave them good reviews just for them to treat my child like this.
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