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Information for Kidz R Us LLC, a Group Family Day Care in Troy NY:

Provider Name: Kidz R Us LLC
Approximate Location: 224 1st street, Troy NY 12180
Contact Phone:
License Number: 766169
Capacity: 16
Age Range: Total Capacity: 12 children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years AND 4 additional school-aged children
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 4 reviews for this provider.
Rated 2 star by Guilty mom on 2020-11-02 14:35:55
Comment: It took me way too long to write this, as we have been separated from Allison for a while now. Allison’s home is wonderful and so is her demeanor, but her care of young babies is not. We had our infant with Ms Allison full time for less than 6 months. I noticed within a few weeks that not only was my baby not getting enough milk throughout the day, but my baby was also coming home in dirty diapers. I’m talking absolutely full diapers that would start dripping if my baby peed again. I thought that maybe she just had not had a chance to change my baby and I really tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Only a few days later, my baby was coming home with horrible diaper rash. My infant has NEVER had diaper rash before! Ever! and this rash was bad, as if baby had been left in a soiled diaper for hours. As time went on, my baby started freaking out when being dropped off. Screaming and crying and clinging to me. When I would go to pick up my baby, baby would make a beeline for me while crying as if baby was begging to be freed from there. My final straw was when I brought my baby home to find dried, caked stool on my baby’s butt and another repeat horrible rash, with dried rings of wet poop around the legs where clearly it had gotten wet then dried multiple times. Allison seems to do very well with the toddlers there and she is genuinely extremely nice and kind to the parents but I do not think she has the resources or time to manage infants. My baby is an EASY baby, and Allison would tell us how my baby did not seem to be adjusting well... but no one else has ever had this problem with my baby! We brought the babe back to our nanny who is much more expensive, but I would pay more to make sure my baby isn’t being neglected any day of the week.
Rated 1 star by Lecey on 2018-08-05 12:16:20
Comment: Update: I sued Allison Joseph, the owner of Kids R Us in Troy’s small claims court for the return of my daycare deposit and missing daycare items. She still haven’t made good on the judgement and pay back my deposit to me or missing daycare items. I went back to the courts and let them know. I then went to the city clerk office to put it on file. This is now on her credit report and also if she goes to buy a house in her county she will have to satisfy the judgement before doing so as well. Base on my experience with her Allison Joseph I would not trust her with a dog. And she still haven’t made good to follow the judges order and pay me back my deposit. This may happen to you as well moms out there so be ware and find another provider.
Rated 5 star by Melody Singletary on 2017-08-24 21:34:17
Comment: I've recently enrolled my child to kidz r us. The experience has been so relieving and comfortable. My son is welcomed every morning and the transition has been wonderful. Ms. Allison is warm, caring and understanding. I look forward to my watching my son grow while in her care. I do recommend her home center.
Rated 2 star by Lecey on 2017-08-18 22:37:40
Comment: Today I had to pull my 2 year old son from Kids R US group daycare because of how he would react to being dropped off at the daycare with the owner Allison Joseph. Need say my son is non verbal and cannot communicate like other children to say what is happening at her daycare but today once I pulled up to her red door he opened his eyes wide open and frantically shocked his head "NO". He then fell out on the floor and started to whimper. It's been over a month now and he still hasn't warmed up to her and gets anxiety at the sight of her house. I told her today on my arrival to pick him up that I will have to pull him from her daycare because of his reaction to her EVERY time I go to drop him off. She said I couldn't get my security deposit back and she cannot find his sippy cup or his change of clothes or extra diapers and wipes. I am appalled by that and will be filing a complaint against her. I do not recommend this home daycare to any mother out there because of how she is. I work hard to pay the cost of my daycare out my pocket and provide for my child. For her to not return my deposit even though my child is not full time anymore and only a drop in. To make matters worst she gave me back no diapers, wipes, sippy cup or change of outfit. She is always out of sync and overwhelmed every time during pick up. Parents: do not trust this woman with your child.
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