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North Dakota Child Daycare >> Cass County Home Daycare >> ANDERSON MEAGHAN

Information for ANDERSON MEAGHAN, a Family Child Care in Fargo ND:

Approximate Location: 18 ST S, FARGO ND 58103
Contact Phone: 7015407086

I have done daycare for 5 years! In addition to daycare, I was foster care licensed for 3 years and have recently decided to take a break to focus on daycare for a little while. 

I am a mostly play based daycare however we do have a learning program that we call “circle time”. While we do not follow a book, we do provide learning activities during that time via lesson plans. 

In addition to this, we do physical activity/music circle time each afternoon, messy activities on Wednesday’s, and nutrition learning on Friday’s (including gardening in the summer!). We also spend a lot of our time outdoors when weather accommodates!

As far as enrollment goes, while we have had a some toddlers start, I have primarily cared for children starting at birth. I have experience with breast milk (pace feeding), cloth diapers, special diets, homemade foods, baby led weening, and of course the more traditional methods.

License Number: 7750
Capacity: 9
Age Range: Birth through 5
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Type of Care: Daytime, Drop-in Care, Emergency Care, Full-Time
Additional Information:

Caring for children has been my passion since I was very young, stating with playing dolls all the way to helping raise my siblings! I have always known I was a nurturer and that somewhere down the line I will find myself caring for other humans in some way. I first went for me CNA degree in high school and quickly found that I was not emotionally able to care for vulnerable adults! So I switched gears and became a child care provider. That being said, I am incredibly family based! I pride myself in connecting with my daycare families in ways that create a healthy bond between us. I strive to listen when approached, make necessary changes when needed, and provide accommodation as much as possible.

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