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Information for Mrs B's Tiny Tots Childcare, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Elkton MD:

Provider Name: Mrs B's Tiny Tots Childcare
Approximate Location: Mary Jane Ln, Elkton MD 21921
Contact Phone: (443) 485-6273
Website: http://www.facebook.com/mrsbstinytots

Here at Mrs. B's, we're a family. We have kids of all ages, and 1 dog Luna, and 1 cat, Lloyd Oscar-body Pigcat Leo. (Yep, long name. We couldn't decide.) ;) Typical daily activities are: Breakfast, school age kids to school bus, circle time for the rest of us, including the babies. They need it too! Story time, free play and snacking, lunch time and quiet time, free play and story time, time to get kids off the bus. Snack time again, my goodness. More time to play and have fun before moms and dads come to pick their kids up. That's a typical day. Babies usually nap and eat and get diapers changed on their own schedules. We have plenty of room to run around with a nice size yard. We have art and exercising. (But they don't know they're actually learning. If you are seriously interested, please call for rates. Schools are Kenmore and Cherry Hill. If you're looking for private school, Mount Aviat Academy is for you. I do not transport to the schools, the bus does, but not to Mount Aviat. Transportation is up to you. Only a limited amount of space left. We hope to see you soon! :)

License Number: 251298
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Rate Range: F/T 6wks-11 mos $160, 12mos-23 mos $140, 2-4 $140, 5yrs Not in school $80, B&A $65; P/T 6wks-11mos $125wk, 12mos-23mos $100wk, 2-4 $100wk, 5yrs not in school $70, B&A $65
Days of Operation: Mon - Fri
Normal Open Hours: Monday - Friday January - December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Type of Care: Full-time, Part-time, Drop-in, Emergency care, Before and After Care.
Transportation: Emergency Only, Field Trips
Additional Information:

The closest schools to me are Kenmore Elementary and Cherry Hill Middle Schools. They will bus students from where I live. Which is about a mile from there. The bus stops at the top of the street, on Leeds Rd.

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