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Missouri Child Daycare >> Jackson County Home Daycare >> ANGEL'S FIRST DAYCARE LLC

Information for ANGEL'S FIRST DAYCARE LLC, a FAMILY HOME in Kansas City MO:

Approximate Location: MYRTLE AVE, KANSAS CITY MO 64132
Contact Phone: (816) 332-5112
License Number: 002528670
Capacity: 10
Age Range: 10 MONTHS - 13 YEARS
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Normal Open Hours: 6:00 AM- 9:00 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Angry parent on 2019-02-05 19:02:51

This daycare is a in home daycare located in the basement of the house. They are extremely inconsiderate to parents who have jobs. They close the daycare every time the weather is too cold, or it’s supposed to sleet! Literally any reason for them to take your money and not provide a service. The are known for notifying parents at the last minute that they will be closed. They over charge you in fees for Everything! $50 late fee if you don’t pay on Friday for the following week. There’s a fee if your kid is dropped off after 9am. Every holiday they are closed the day before and after! I would recommend the facility for a dog there are a bunch of money hungry owners who you never even meet and my son personally never wants to get out the car when we pull up! The worker is rude and always on her cellphone and to top it off you have to walk down a hill to the basement door in the back of the house which is also a huge inconvenience while trying to carry a toddler and bags! Needless to say we are no longer with the horrible establishment after 1month

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