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Connecticut Child Daycare >> New Haven County Home Daycare >> BUNNY VILLAGE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER

Information for BUNNY VILLAGE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER, a family daycare home in Cheshire CT:

Approximate Location: 510 CORNWALL AVE, CHESHIRE CT 06410
Contact Phone: 203-272-3090
License Number: Child Care Center
Capacity: 42
Age Range: 6 weeks-12 years
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Pre-School, School Age, Under Three
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Katie Harper on 2021-07-30 23:54:43
Comment: I have worked at Bunny Village in Cheshire for almost a year now and have nothing but wonderful things to say about this childcare center! Every teacher we have had in our building truly cares with their whole heart about these children. Our director is the most kind hearted woman around, who treats every child at BV like her own. She is so encouraging and helpful for new parents, going out of her way to help them thrive. Whether it is updating a parent of milestones, answering child development questions, accommodating schedule changes, providing support to learn how to address an issue a child is facing, scheduling a Parents Night Out event when a family needs it most or even going outside and putting a car seat in. She really does it all. We have organzied activities that we do as a center each day, on top of the learning planned in each individual classroom. These special activities include tie dye day, pajama day, donut day and so many more. We also have monthly Parents Night Out events where children come in on a Saturday for some special activities, dinner and the beginning of bedtime so that parents can have some time to themselves. Our director goes out of her way to make sure the children are having fun and learning, even when it is at her own expense. Whenever children have had to move on to another daycare or school, she has had nothing but best wishes for them. She has even encouraged me to babysit and keep in contact with children I built close bonds with because she still cares so much. She is constantly encouraging all staff to continue their education, as she continues her own. The center is built around growing and learning for both children and staff. If you ever have a concern about your child, our director will find you a solution, no matter how difficult it may be. She will and has done her own research, organized meetings and classes for her teachers and provided resources so that we can care for each child’s individual needs. It is such a warm and nurturing environment for all children who come here and all teachers who work here. If I had my own children, they would be going here! Bunny Village really is a home away from home for the children and the staff!
Rated 1 star by Paren on 2018-09-05 18:03:49
Comment: There is really nothing good to say about this daycare center except that the site Director and some of the teachers were nice. Our child was enrolled for less than a month and numerous incidents occurred which ultimately led us to remove our child. There were serious health code violations, a continuous turnover of the teachers, situations were children were basically ignored, and more. Unfortunately, we experienced numerous unsanitary and unsafe conditions for children. And since there was never the same teacher week after week, you would never know what to expect when you walked in. If you have a serious incident and wish to escalate it to the owner, be prepared to be pushed off. She does not feel like she needs to be involved in situations that do not directly involve her; even though she is the owner of the company. She explicitly stated this to us when we finally were able to meet with her. She is extremely unprofessional, unwelcoming, unwilling to take responsibility for incidents occurring in her centers, and downright rude. Do yourself a favor and do not send your children here.
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