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Indiana Child Daycare >> Allen County Home Daycare >> Renee D Lockett

Information for Renee D Lockett, a Licensed Home in Fort Wayne IN:

Provider Name: Renee D Lockett
Approximate Location: , FORT WAYNE IN 46819
Contact Phone: 260-755-1291
License Number: 02-26353
Capacity: 16
Age Range: Infant-Twelve
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: 7:00 AM-5:00 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: PTQ Level 3;
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 2 star by Concerned Family Member on 2024-04-08 18:52:31
Comment: My granddaughter was often only fed "plain bread" for her meals. It leads me to believe that they really skimp on the food they provide and purchase the cheapest possible stuff. She would come home simply starved every day. Don't send your kids there and any clothes that you care about. They are left to play out in a muddy yard where the dogs also do their business, coming home with their clothes trashed. Or coming home with their muddy wet clothes in a plastic bag. What I used to ask my granddaughter who went there up until kindergarten what she had to eat for breakfast or lunch. She would often tell me just a piece of bread. I said that's all they gave you. She said yes plain bread. And she was always famished the moment she walked in the door. I would not recommend this place. The clients are charged when the owner takes a vacation. So they have to pay for the full week of daycare even though their children aren't there. I find that unethical. I feel like you should put the bill for your own vacation. If you are a business owner. I don't know of any other type of business that charges their customers for a vacation.
Rated 1 star by BrenzellyBryant on 2021-10-04 07:58:33
Comment: A Alright Daycare Wouldn't Recommend It Honestly
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