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Texas Child Daycare >> Collin County Home Daycare >> Christin Cho

Information for Christin Cho, a Listed Family Home in Mckinney TX:

Provider Name: Christin Cho
Approximate Location: 708 Windy Hill Drive, McKinney TX 75071
Contact Phone: 949-292-4178
Description: am a stay at home mom of four girls with the youngest being a three year old. She is the only one at home as the others are in school. I have previous experience in the childcare field as well. I will fill your little one's day (and mine) with lots of opportunities to learn (reading, playing, singing, walks, trips to the park (the park is a 3 minute walk from my house), as well as keep a healthy nap schedule that fits with your family's schedule. We use the award winning program ABC Mouse. I believe that collaboration with parents is vital to a successful academic environment, which I provide for the children while in my care. Healthy homemade meals and snacks included. Large fenced backyard and plenty of room to play indoors. My goal is to create a safe, secure and a happy environment for the kids. Parents can go to work with a smile and peace of mind, knowing that their little ones are in good hands. Please call or email if you are interested. We can set up a time for you to come over for a visit! Thanks you, Christin
License Number: 1642183
Capacity: 3
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Daytime, Full-Time, Part-Time
Additional Information: Initial License Date: 2/14/2013.
Reviews: Be the first to review this provider.

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