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Information for Little Foxes Childcare, a Group Day Care Home in Wichita KS:

Provider Name: Little Foxes Childcare
Approximate Location: Kellogg & 143rd, Wichita KS 67230
Contact Phone: (316) 612-9891
Website: http://www.littlefoxeschildcare.net/
Description: I, Karri Fox, started Little Foxes Childcare in my home in 1993 shortly after having my first child. Before my son was 2, I opened my home for babysitting in order to stay home with him. Not long after that, I realized how much I enjoyed taking care of children and knew that i wanted to make a career in childcare. I enjoy teaching the children and watching them learn. I take pride in my work and my workplace and have made significant IMPROVEMENTS THROUGHOUT the years. The biggest improvement was having a curriculum where the children could actually learn and develop their skills and also making Little Foxes childcare a step above most Childcares. I have continued to make investments in my business throughout the years in developmental toys, playground equipment, children's furniture, teaching tools and a much larger, private area in my new home. I have enjoyed taking childcare courses throughout the years always learning and building my KNOWLEDGE in early childhood. I am very proud of my success and get great satisfaction watching the children learn and discover new things. I noticed children become independent and proud of themselves by playing, listening, and learning from others. A child will learn in an ENVIRONMENT in which they feel safe. My first child has attended college after having received a soccer scholarship. My daughter graduated high school early and is also attending college. I also have an adopted daughter, now 25, who is proud to serve in the us navy.
License Number: 0026254-019
Capacity: 12
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Normal Open Hours: Mon - Fri: 7:15am - 5:30pm
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
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