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Information for Nelly's Little Blessings, a Group Family Day Care in Rochester NY:

Provider Name: Nelly's Little Blessings
Approximate Location: 156 Norton Street, Rochester NY 14621
Contact Phone: (585) 266-6826

I worked for Shawnell for almost 4 years in NLB Daycare and it has been an overall positive experience. We built in from the ground up to not only ensure child safety but to accommodate for children with special needs. It is a safe haven for the kids who attend and we come to develop a unique bond with each and every one. We host a traditional event held on a yearly basis created for the "Child Alumni" of NLB Daycare. Kids who have either graduated or moved on from our particular daycare are hosted in our Norton street location for a day of teamwork based fun. Healthy snacks are provided. Also, there is an indoor/outdoor dance party followed by movie night. I truly miss working there, as it was just as much a good experience for me as it was for the children. I 100% recommend both staffs, and parents to enroll your child in NLB Daycare. It is not something you'll regret.

License Number: 500442
Capacity: 16
Age Range: Total Capacity: 12 children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years AND 4 additional school-aged children
Rate Range: 25
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Before and After School, Daytime, Emergency Care, Full-Time, Kindergarten, Part-Time
Transportation: , Field Trips, To/From School
Additional Information:

Initial License Date: 2/21/2012; This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments only; Care is available during non-traditional hours;

Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Shandan Jones on 2019-01-18 18:06:37
Comment: I worked for Shawnell for almost 4 years in NLB Daycare and it has been an overall positive experience. We built in from the ground up to not only ensure child safety but to accommodate for children with special needs. It is a safe haven for the kids who attend and we come to develop a unique bond with each and every one. We host a traditional event held on a yearly basis created for the "Child Alumni" of NLB Daycare. Kids who have either graduated or moved on from our particular daycare are hosted in our Norton street location for a day of teamwork based fun. Healthy snacks are provided. Also, there is an indoor/outdoor dance party followed by movie night. I truly miss working there, as it was just as much a good experience for me as it was for the children. I 100% recommend both staffs, and parents to enroll your child in NLB Daycare. It is not something you'll regret.
Rated 5 star by Shandan Jones on 2019-01-18 18:05:47
Comment: I worked for Shawnell for almost 4 years in NLB Daycare and it has been an overall positive experience. We built in from the ground up to not only ensure child safety but to accommodate for children with special needs. It is a safe haven for the kids who attend and we come to develop a unique bond with each and every one. We host a traditional event held on a yearly basis created for the "Child Alumni" of NLB Daycare. Kids who have either graduated or moved on from our particular daycare are hosted in our Norton street location for a day of teamwork based fun. Healthy snacks are provided. Also, there is an indoor/outdoor dance party followed by movie night. I truly miss working there, as it was just as much a good experience for me as it was for the children. I 100% recommend both staffs, and parents to enroll your child in NLB Daycare. It is not something you'll regret.
Rated 5 star by Felicia Ingram on 2014-02-19 14:29:00
Comment: I love this daycare! I would recommend to ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY!!!!!!! Truly a BLESSING FROM GOD
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